Multiply it out and combine terms.
0.10 = 6*10^-5 x + 0.14 - 9.333*10^-6 x
-0.04 = 5.067*10^-5 x
how do i solve this?
3 answers
what if I change the 1-x to a y?
how do you solve for 2 variables?
how do you solve for 2 variables?
You need to have an equation with one variable to get a solution. Why create a new variable?
You end up with two variables and two equations, and are just adding more work to the problem.
By the way, if your original equation has 1-x as a numerator, then you should have written it
.10 = .9(x/15000)+ .14(1-x)/15000,
and you'd get a different answer.
You end up with two variables and two equations, and are just adding more work to the problem.
By the way, if your original equation has 1-x as a numerator, then you should have written it
.10 = .9(x/15000)+ .14(1-x)/15000,
and you'd get a different answer.