To round off 13415978 to the nearest 1000, you need to determine the thousands digit and then adjust the other digits accordingly.
The thousands digit in 13415978 is 4.
To round to the nearest 1000, you look at the hundreds digit (5 in this case).
If the hundreds digit is 5 or greater, you add 1000 to the original number (13415978 + 1000 = 13416978).
If the hundreds digit is less than 5, you leave the thousands digit unchanged (13410000 in this case).
Therefore, when rounded to the nearest 1000, the number 13415978 becomes 13416000.
To round off 13415978 to the nearest 10000, you use a similar process.
The ten thousands digit in 13415978 is 1.
To round to the nearest 10000, you look at the thousands digit (3 in this case).
If the thousands digit is 5 or greater, you add 10000 to the original number (13415978 + 10000 = 13425978).
If the thousands digit is less than 5, you leave the ten thousands digit unchanged (13410000 in this case).
Therefore, when rounded to the nearest 10000, the number 13415978 becomes 13420000.
How do I round off 13415978 to the nearest 1000 and 10000
1 answer