You have far too many numbers after the decimal point but the first one is right. The second one is right. And you are correct about the fourth one; i.e., it doesn't look right and isn't.
V = 4/3(pi)r^3 = 106
I get something like 3 but that isn't exact.
How do i put them all in sig fig form???
What is the volume in cubic cm of a sphere with radius 2 cm?
is it =
What is the area in m2 of a triangle with base 2.8 m and height of 10.4 m?
is it =
A sphere has a volume of 106 cm3. What is its radius (in cm)?
is it =
is it 6.297560287884612?
that doesnt look right :/
2 answers
I re-read the problem and you are asking about sig fig.
For the first one, if 2 cm is the correct number (not 2.0 or 2.00), then you have only one sig fig so 33.51 would be rounded to 30.
For the second one, you are allowed 2; therefore, round to 15
For the third one, you are allowed 3 figures.
For the first one, if 2 cm is the correct number (not 2.0 or 2.00), then you have only one sig fig so 33.51 would be rounded to 30.
For the second one, you are allowed 2; therefore, round to 15
For the third one, you are allowed 3 figures.