How do I get palm trees in acnh
83 answers
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), you can obtain palm trees in a few different ways:
Planting Coconut Trees:
- To grow palm trees, you need coconuts. You can find coconuts on the beach, either by shaking or picking them up from the ground.
- Once you have coconuts, go to a beach area on your island and select the coconut from your inventory. Choose to plant it in the sand, and after a day or so, it will grow into a palm tree.
Visiting Mystery Islands:
- If you use a Nook Miles Ticket to visit a mystery island, you may find palm trees already growing there. You can also collect coconuts from these trees to bring back to your island.
Using Nook's Cranny:
- Occasionally, coconuts may be available for purchase at Nook's Cranny, especially if you haven’t yet discovered palm trees on your island.
Trading with Other Players:
- You can also trade with other players to obtain coconuts if you don’t have access to them.
Once you plant the coconuts on the beach, water them regularly (although they typically don’t need watering after planting), and soon you’ll have your own palm trees on your island!
Will they grow to be like coconut trees or no
Yes, when you plant coconuts on the beach in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, they will grow into palm trees that look like coconut trees. These palm trees will flourish on the sandy beach areas of your island.
Here are some characteristics of palm trees in the game:
- Appearance: They have tall trunks with a canopy of wide leaves, resembling coconut trees.
- Seasonal Changes: Like other trees in the game, palm trees will change appearance with the seasons (e.g., they will have different looks in winter).
- Fruit Production: Once grown, palm trees will produce coconuts that you can harvest by shaking the tree, just like you would with other types of fruit trees.
Just remember that palm trees can only be planted on sand (the beach), not on regular soil. Enjoy decorating your island with your new palm trees!
Will they look exactly like the coconut trees?
Yes, in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, palm trees that grow from planted coconuts will look exactly like coconut trees. They have tall, slender trunks topped with a crown of palm fronds, similar to what you'd expect from an actual coconut tree.
So, if you plant coconuts on the beach, the trees that grow will be indistinguishable from real coconut trees in the game. They are designed to replicate the appearance of coconut trees found in tropical environments. There are no variations in design; once the coconut is planted and grown, you will consistently see the same coconut tree model.
I really don't wanna wait. Do you think I should tt? Also melba is moving on my island. But I don't wsnna ruin friendship with my villagers.
If you don’t want to wait for your palm trees to grow naturally, using time travel (TT) is an option in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Time traveling allows you to change the in-game date and time to skip ahead, making your coconut trees grow instantly. Just be aware that this method can sometimes lead to unexpected changes, like weeds growing or villagers moving out, if you time travel too far into the future.
Regarding Melba moving out and maintaining friendships with your villagers, it’s perfectly fine to let her go if you don't mind losing that particular friendship. Villagers in ACNH will sometimes express their desire to move, and if you agree, they will leave without significant negative consequences for your relationships with the other villagers.
However, if you want to keep Melba:
- Talk to Her: Engage with her frequently to show that you care. This might persuade her to stay.
- Give Gifts: Offering gifts and interacting with her can strengthen your friendship.
- Ask Her to Stay: If she brings up moving, you can try to convince her to stay by expressing that you want her to remain on your island.
If you choose to let her leave and focus on other villagers, just remember that ACNH is a flexible game, and you can always make new friends with incoming villagers. Enjoy playing!
No i meant shes moving on my island tomorrow. I found her today.
Ah, got it! If you just found out that Melba is moving out tomorrow and you want to keep her on your island, here are a few options:
Talk to Her: Engage with Melba before she moves. Sometimes, villagers will change their minds if you talk to them enough and express that you want them to stay. Make sure to visit her and talk to her multiple times throughout the day.
Give Her Gifts: Offering gifts that she likes can help strengthen your friendship. This may positively influence her decision about moving.
Ask Her to Stay: When she mentions moving, there should be an option to ask her not to leave. Expressing that you want her to stay could make a difference.
If you can't convince her, unfortunately, she will move out the next day, and there’s not much you can do to stop that. Just remember that her departure won’t ruin your friendships with the other villagers, as they will still remain in your game. You can always invite other villagers to move in later.
If you decide to use time travel to skip to the next day after trying to convince her, you can check if she’s still at your island or if she has moved away. Just keep in mind that time traveling can affect other aspects of your island.
Ultimately, whether to try to keep Melba or let her go is up to you, but it’s a normal part of gameplay, and new villagers will always come along!
Why? Would she move away if I time traveled?
Yes, if you time travel to the day after you found out that Melba is planning to move, she will move out unless you successfully convinced her to stay during your conversation with her before the move.
Here's how it works:
Before Moving Day: If you spoke to Melba multiple times and asked her to stay, and she decided to listen, she should remain on your island. However, if you did not convince her or you hadn't interacted with her enough, she will proceed with her move.
After Time Traveling: If you time travel to the next day (the day she was set to move), you'll find that she will already be gone if you didn’t convince her to stay before using the time travel.
So, if you want to try to keep her, it’s best to interact with her today, express your desire for her to stay, and then see what happens. If you end up time traveling and she has already moved out, there won’t be a way to get her back unless you invite her back if she shows up in the campsite or as a potential plot for autofill.
If you're still considering time traveling, make sure to give it a shot first to convince Melba. If you succeed, then there's no need to time travel!
I don't understand. I found her on a mystery island today and she wants to move her. O have her plot. She is coming on my island tomorrow. If I time traveled tomorrow, she would be at the plot. Right? Correct. Then, what your saying is, if I time travel back, she would be moving away from my island, right? I don't get it.
I apologize for the confusion! Let me clarify:
You Found Melba: Since you found Melba on a mystery island and she has decided to move to your island, she will indeed move in tomorrow if you’ve given her a plot to move into.
Time Traveling to Tomorrow: If you time travel to tomorrow, Melba will be at her new plot on your island as planned. She will not be moving away; she will be moving in.
Time Traveling Back: If you then time travel back to today after she has moved in, she will still be at her plot, and she will not be moving away. In other words, after she moves in, she cannot subsequently leave just because you go back in time.
In short:
- If you travel forward to tomorrow, she will be at her plot.
- If you then travel back to today, she will still be on your island once she moves in.
So, your understanding is correct! Time traveling forward to the day she moves in will establish her on your island, and traveling back will not cause her to move away. Thank you for your patience, and I hope this clears things up! If you have more questions, feel free to ask!
Thank you. I got confused.vare you sure though?
Yes, I can confirm! Here’s a clearer breakdown to ensure understanding:
Finding Melba: You found Melba on a mystery island, and she has agreed to move to your island. She will move in the next day.
Time Traveling Forward: If you time travel to the day after you found her (the day she is set to move in), she will be at her plot on your island as planned.
Time Traveling Back: If you then time travel back to the day you found her, she will still be at your island as long as she has moved in first. In this case, she will not disappear or move away because time traveling back does not reverse the fact that you already had her move in.
When a villager moves into a plot, they become part of your island’s roster of villagers, and time traveling back won't cause them to leave or remove them.
If you’re still uncertain, you can always try it out! Just keep in mind that the mechanics of ACNH maintain the villager you invited after they have moved in.
Thank you for your understanding, and I'm here if you have any more questions! Enjoy playing!
Has anyone else did that to make a villager move in faster
Yes, many players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons use time travel to make villagers move in or to control the pace of their gameplay. Time traveling allows players to bypass waiting periods for certain events, including the arrival of new villagers.
Here are some common practices related to time traveling and villager management:
Speeding Up Villager Arrival: Players might time travel forward to the day after they invite a villager, like Melba, so they can see them moved in immediately without waiting for real-time progression.
Checking Villager Movement: Some players use time travel to check which villagers are moving in or out and to manage their island population according to their preferences.
Campsite Visitors: Players often time travel to bring in new campsite visitors, allowing them to meet potential new villagers sooner than they would through natural progression.
Event Preparation: Many players also time travel to prepare for special in-game events or to manage seasonal activities, such as fishing tournaments or holiday celebrations.
While time traveling has its benefits, it can also lead to some unintended consequences, such as weeds appearing, villagers having moved, or events missed if players travel too far into the future.
Ultimately, it’s a personal choice! Some players enjoy the challenge of real-time gameplay, while others prefer the flexibility that time traveling provides. Whatever you choose, enjoy your experience in ACNH! If you have more questions or need tips, feel free to ask!
I am only time traveling a day cuz I don't wanna wait. Will this affect any friendship with my villagers? I have high friendship with basically all of them
Time traveling just a day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons generally has minimal impact on your friendships with villagers. Here’s what you can expect:
Friendship Impact: A one-day time travel will not significantly disrupt your friendships with your villagers. They might have a few casual dialogues or comments about the passing time, but it usually won’t lead to any major consequences.
Dialogue Variations: When you time travel, villagers may comment on the fact that you've been gone for a day, but they won't lose friendship points or forget about you. If you maintain regular interaction (chatting, gifting, etc.), your friendships should remain intact.
Daily Interactions: Just remember that you won't be able to have the same interactions on the day you travel forward. For instance, if you travel forward one day and then decide to go back, you won't have the opportunity to participate in any events, activities, or conversations you missed out on during that day.
Weeds and Mess: The only thing to be aware of when time traveling is that certain changes might occur, like weeds growing or items left outside disappearing. This happens mostly when you travel further ahead in time, but one day typically results in very little, if any, mess.
So, feel free to time travel a day ahead to get Melba moved in without worrying too much about your friendships suffering! Enjoy your game, and if you have further questions, I'm here to help!
I talk to all my villagers basically 20+ times a day and gives them gifts almost every single day. I don't know if that'll affect anything
Given your commitment to interacting with your villagers—talking to them 20+ times a day and giving gifts almost daily—time traveling just one day will have a negligible effect on your friendships with them. Here’s why:
High Friendship Levels: Since you maintain such high friendship levels with your villagers, a single day of time traveling will not significantly impact those relationships. They are likely to continue responding positively to you.
Casual Dialogue: After traveling forward a day, your villagers may make brief comments about you being gone for a day, but they won’t forget your friendship and will pick up right where you left off.
Consistency in Gifts: Your regular gifting and interaction help solidify your relationships, meaning that even if you miss a day or two here and there, your villagers will not perceive it negatively because you have been interacting with them consistently.
Minimal Changes: A one-day time travel typically does not lead to any major issues, such as losing friendships or villagers moving out unless there is an existing plan for that to happen.
So, feel free to time travel just one day to get Melba moved in without worrying about damaging your well-established friendships! Your villagers will appreciate your continued attention and gifts when you return to them. If you have any more concerns or questions, feel free to ask!
Ok but just to be sure im gonna give all my villagers a gift and talk to them before I time travel.
That sounds like a great plan! Giving all your villagers a gift and talking to them before you time travel is an excellent way to maintain and reinforce your friendships. Here are a few additional tips to ensure everything goes smoothly:
Gift Variety: If you have gifts that certain villagers especially love, that can help further boost your friendship points.
Daily Interactions: Talking to them before time traveling is a good way to ensure that they feel appreciated and connected to you. Villagers typically enjoy having conversations about their day or sharing their thoughts.
Collectibles: If you have special items or seasonal items, consider giving those as gifts, as villagers often appreciate unique items.
Being Proactive: Engaging with them now helps reassure you that even if a day passes in-game, your friendships will remain strong.
After your interactions, you can confidently time travel to get Melba settled in without worrying about negatively impacting your friendships. It’s always nice to plan ahead, especially when you put in so much effort to keep good relationships with your villagers!
If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy having Melba on your island!
I have one question though. Its currently raining today on my island. If I time travel tomorrow then come back today will it still be raining on my island
Yes, if you time travel to tomorrow and then come back to today, the weather will remain unchanged. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the weather is influenced by the date, which means that:
If it’s Rainy Today: When you time travel forward to tomorrow, the game will recognize that you have moved a day forward, and that day will have its own weather generated.
Returning to Today: If you then time travel back to the previous day, the weather will revert to whatever it was when you initially were on that day. So, if it was raining when you logged on the first time, it will still be raining when you come back.
In short, if you like the rainy weather and want to keep it, you can go ahead with that plan! Weather can affect certain gameplay elements, like catching fish or bugs, and it can also set a nice atmosphere for your island. Let me know if you have more questions or concerns! Enjoy your time on your island!
Should I save my gamd before I tt?
Yes, it's a good idea to save your game before you time travel in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Here are a few reasons why:
Preventing Mistakes: Saving your game ensures that if anything doesn’t go as planned or if you change your mind about an interaction or event, you can revert to your last saved progress without any issues.
Confirming Changes: If you time travel and find that you don’t like the changes that occurred (such as villagers moving or events not happening as you expected), you will have the option to load your saved game and try again.
Game Stability: Although ACNH is generally stable, saving before any significant action, like time traveling, can help prevent any potential glitches or issues.
To save your game:
- Simply press the “+” button to open the Pause Menu, then select Save and Quit. This will save your game data and allow you to safely time travel afterward.
Once you have saved, you can time travel with peace of mind! If you need any more advice or have questions, feel free to ask! Enjoy your gaming!
And do you think i should save my game when I tt back to today
Yes, you should save your game after you time travel back to today as well. Here are a few reasons to do so:
Confirming Changes: After you time travel back to today and see the state of your island (including the weather, villagers, and any new developments), saving your game allows you to lock in those changes, ensuring you don’t lose any progress or interactions that happen after returning.
Avoiding Unintended Outcomes: If you encounter any unexpected changes or want to ensure that your interactions with villagers, including Melba, are saved, it’s best to make sure to save your game afterward.
Game Stability: Regularly saving your game helps maintain its stability, minimizing the risk of data loss or glitches.
To save your game after time traveling back:
- Just pause the game with the “+” button and select Save and Quit again.
This way, you’ll have a safe point after all your interactions and any new developments that occur once you return to today. It’s always a good practice to save frequently while playing. Enjoy your time with your villagers, and let me know if you have any more questions!
Alright I'm gonna do it now. Hope nothing goes wrong!!
Sounds like a solid plan! Just remember to take it step by step—save your game before you time travel, interact with your villagers, and then save again after returning to today. With your careful approach, everything should go smoothly!
If you encounter any issues or have questions along the way, feel free to ask. Enjoy welcoming Melba to your island and have fun with your villagers! Good luck, and happy gaming! 🌴😊
Should I talk to her when I time travel though
Yes, it’s a good idea to talk to Melba after you time travel to the day she moves in! Here’s why:
Strengthening Friendship: Engaging with Melba right after she arrives will help strengthen your friendship with her. Villagers appreciate when you take the time to interact with them, especially on their first day.
Celebrating Her Arrival: When you talk to her, she may mention her excitement about moving in or share her first impressions of your island. It’s a good way to kick off her time on your island!
Checking In: Interacting with her allows you to make sure everything is going as planned. It can also help set the tone for your ongoing relationship.
So, once you time travel and see Melba at her new plot, go ahead and have a chat with her! If you have any gifts or items you want to give her, it’s a great opportunity to do that as well. Enjoy your time with Melba and your other villagers! If you have any more questions or need assistance later, feel free to reach out!
Okkk ahhh I'm getting nervous the game loadedddd
No worries! It's totally normal to feel a bit nervous when making changes in the game, especially with time traveling. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment!
As the game loads, you'll get to see Melba at her new plot and have the chance to interact with her. Remember, everything you've done so far to keep your villagers happy will work in your favor, so just dive in and enjoy the experience!
If you have any questions about what happens next or need any tips after you see how everything turns out, feel free to ask. Good luck, and have fun welcoming Melba to your island! 🌟😊
I'm gonna talk to you the whole time if that's okay. Its still loading
Of course! I'm here for you, so feel free to chat as much as you like while the game is loading. It’s exciting to see how everything turns out, and I'm more than happy to keep you company or answer any questions you have! Just let me know what you’re feeling or thinking as you wait. 😊🎮
Its so bright and sunny..
That’s great to hear! A bright and sunny day on your island sets a lovely atmosphere, especially for welcoming a new villager like Melba. It can make the island feel even more inviting and cheerful!
Once the game fully loads, you’ll get to see how Melba’s new home looks in the sunshine. Do you have any plans for what you want to do today now that it’s nice out? Maybe some decorating, or just enjoying the scenery? Let me know what you’re thinking! 🌞🌴
How long should I stay? Does it matter?
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there’s no strict time limit for how long you should stay on a day after time traveling. However, here are some tips on how long you might want to spend in-game:
Interaction: Spend enough time to interact with Melba and maybe some of your other villagers. Talking to them will help solidify your friendships even further.
Daily Tasks: Complete any daily tasks or errands you usually do. This includes gathering resources, checking for bugs and fish, watering flowers, and finding any DIY recipes.
Time of Day: Consider what time of day it is in the game. The game operates on a real-time clock, so some events, shops, or visitors might only be available at specific times.
Personal Preference: Ultimately, it depends on how you enjoy playing! Some players like to spend just a little time checking in and moving on, while others prefer to immerse themselves in their island activities for an extended period.
If you feel content and are enjoying the interactions, feel free to hang out for as long as you’d like. If you have other plans or need to step away, you can also save and come back later. The flexibility is part of what makes Animal Crossing enjoyable! If you have more questions or want to share what you're experiencing, I’m here for it! 🌼😊
Okkk reason I asked cuz I didn't know how long I could stay. If I stayed for a long time and then tt back it won't mess up anything, right?
Correct! Spending a longer time in-game after you time travel won't mess up anything as long as you save your game properly before time traveling back. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:
Game Stability: There is no issue with playing longer as long as you save your game before making any changes or traveling back. You can enjoy the time with your villagers, and nothing will cause problems just by staying and playing.
Daily Events: Just keep in mind that the game operates in real-time, so if you stay too long and then time travel back to a day later, you may miss out on some daily events or activities that would occur during that time frame. However, as of now, this shouldn't affect your relationships with your villagers since you’re spending quality time with them.
Enjoy the Moment: If you’re having fun and enjoying interactions on your island, feel free to stay and engage with activities. Just save when you’re ready to time travel back, and you will be all set!
So, take your time, enjoy everything happening on your island, and don't worry about it too much! If you have any further anxieties or more questions about gameplay, I’m here for you! 😊🌟
And the bamboo trees didn't grow in a day.. I thought it would.
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bamboo trees typically take one day to grow after being planted. If you just time traveled forward a day, they should have grown by then.
However, a few things can affect bamboo growth:
Wrong Planting Conditions: Make sure the bamboo is planted in the right spot. Bamboo needs to be planted on suitable soil, not on paths or on the beach.
Timing: If you planted the bamboo only the previous day, it would not have grown yet. It grows the day after it is planted.
Growth Appearance: Bamboo usually starts small but can take a few days to reach full height. The height of the bamboo can vary after growth, and it might look smaller or shorter than expected at first.
If you check tomorrow, the bamboo should have grown, as it takes a full day cycle for it to mature. Feel free to let me know if you have more questions about bamboo, growth cycles, or anything else in the game! 🏝️🌱
I planted them on the beach 🤦♀️ omg
No worries! It’s an easy mistake to make! Bamboo trees need to be planted on regular soil rather than on the beach or sand. Here’s what you can do:
Relocate the Bamboo: You’ll need to dig up the bamboo using a shovel. Just make sure to use the shovel to pick them up first (you can also plant a fresh bamboo shoot if you have one).
Find an Appropriate Spot: Find a suitable location on your island—any area with dirt or grass will work well. Plant the bamboo there, and it should grow properly.
Bamboo Growth: Once planted in the right location, the bamboo should grow by the next day!
If you have any other questions or need tips about bamboo (or anything else), feel free to ask. Enjoy your time on the island! 🌱😊
And I just tt back to July 30th. I'm gonna have to tt again lol.
It sounds like you’re working through the details, and that’s all part of the fun in Animal Crossing! Once you time travel again to give the bamboo the right conditions to grow, it’ll be set for the next day.
Just to summarize the steps:
- Dig Up the Bamboo: Use your shovel to dig up any bamboo you planted on the beach.
- Find a New Spot: Plant them in a dirt or grass area.
- Time Travel Again: Once you've relocated the bamboo, time travel forward again, and they should grow as expected.
It's part of the game’s charm that you can adjust and redo things as you figure them out! If you need any tips, suggestions, or just want to share how things go, I’m here for you. Enjoy making adjustments, and have fun with Melba and the villagers! 🌳😊
Wait hold on. If I tt back again to July 31st nothing would be messed up, right?
That's correct! If you time travel back to July 31st after relocating your bamboo, nothing will be messed up as long as you follow these steps:
Relocate the Bamboo: First, make sure you dig up the bamboo that was previously planted on the beach and then plant it in a suitable spot (dirt or grass area).
Time Travel Forward: After planting them correctly, go ahead and time travel to July 31st. The bamboo trees will grow properly in the right soil.
Interaction with Villagers: Any interactions with your villagers will remain intact. Your friendships and the general state of your island will not be adversely affected by time traveling back and forth a day.
Just make sure to save your game before each time travel and everything should go smoothly! Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions or concerns—I'm here to help! Enjoy your playtime on your island! 🌻🌴
I need to plant them on grass, right?
Yes, that's correct! You need to plant bamboo shoots on regular soil or grass areas for them to grow properly. Here are the specific details:
Soil Types Allowed: Bamboo can be planted on:
- Grass
- Dirt
- The various pathway types that aren't considered sand or water.
Beach and Sand Restrictions: Avoid planting bamboo on the beach or sandy areas, as it won't grow there.
Once you’ve found a grassy or dirt area, go ahead and plant the bamboo. After you time travel to the next day, they should start growing! If you have any more questions or need help with anything else, just let me know! 🌱🌼
Wait. I just entered Melbas house and bee house is already finished.
That’s awesome! When a new villager moves into your island, their house typically gets set up quite quickly, and you may see it decorated or furnished, including items like a bee house if that was part of her starting decor or items she placed.
Here are a few things to note:
New Villager Decor: Each villager has a specific starter home design with décor included, which can vary from one villager to another. Melba might have the bee house as part of her initial setup, which reflects her personality or interests.
Customization: You can interact with her furniture and items. If you want to customize or redecorate Melba's house later, you can also do that. It adds a personal touch to your island!
Visiting: Visiting her house is a great way to start building your friendship with her. You can chat and see her reaction to being in her new place.
Enjoy checking out her house and all the new decorations! If you have any further questions or observations, just let me know! Enjoy your time with Melba! 🏡🌼🐝
Alr im gonna tt back. It won't affect my friendship with my villagers, right? Just making sure. I love them all so much I don't want anything to happen..
You’re all set! Time traveling back to July 31st will not negatively affect your friendships with your villagers. Here’s a quick reassurance:
Friendship Levels: Since you've been actively interacting with your villagers, your friendships will remain strong, even after you time travel.
Daily Interactions: After you time travel, villagers may have a few new lines of dialogue, but they won’t forget about you or their friendship. They will continue to recognize your efforts and interactions.
Consistency is Key: Your ongoing interactions, like talking to them and giving gifts, will keep your friendships intact. If you've been doing that consistently, nothing should change negatively.
Feel free to go ahead and time travel! Enjoy welcoming Melba and spending time with all your villagers. If you have more questions or just want to share how things go after you time travel, I’m here for you! 🌟😊
So if I tt back and forth nothing will happen
Correct! If you time travel back and forth between days, there shouldn't be any negative impact on your villagers or your island. Here’s what will happen:
Friendship Status: Your villagers won't lose friendship points just because you go back and forth through time. They will remember your interactions, so as long as you continue to engage with them, everything will remain stable.
Consistent Daily Changes: Each day you time travel to will have its own events, dialogues, and weather, but your established friendships and interactions will not diminish.
Events Reminder: Just keep in mind that if you travel to a day where events or certain activities happen and you're not present for them (for example, a special event), you may miss out on those.
So you can feel confident in your ability to time travel back and forth without worrying about damaging your friendships or your island. Enjoy your time with Melba and your villagers, and if you have any more questions along the way, feel free to reach out! 🌼🌈
Time traveling between years in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can have similar effects as traveling between days, but there are a few additional factors to consider:
Villager Relationships: Your friendships with villagers will generally remain intact, even if you time travel across years. Villagers will remember you, and as long as you continue to engage and interact with them, you shouldn't see any major negative impacts.
Villager Movements: One thing to note is that if you time travel across multiple years, you may find that some villagers might have moved away during that time. This is because villagers have their own schedules and sometimes decide to leave. If you’re particularly attached to certain villagers, consider checking your roster or directly interacting with them before making large jumps in time.
Island Changes: Things like seasonal events, items, and certain in-game features can change from year to year. Make sure to keep that in mind if you’re looking to experience specific events or seasonal items.
Balance the Time Distance: While you can time travel many years forward or backward, consider balancing that with what you want to achieve in the game. For example, if there’s something you want to collect or an event you’re excited about, make sure you time travel accordingly so you don’t miss it.
Overall, while you can time travel across years without major issues, it’s a good idea to be aware of the potential changes and impacts that might occur. If you have specific plans or questions about time traveling across years, let me know! I’m here to help! 🌟📅
I'm only tt a day to see if my bamboo trees have grown after I placed them in grass
That’s a good plan! Time traveling just one day to check if your bamboo trees have grown after relocating them to grass is a quick and effective strategy. Here’s what you can expect:
Bamboo Growth: If you've planted the bamboo in a suitable area (grass or dirt), they should grow after you time travel to the next day. Bamboo typically grows quickly, so you should see them reaching their full height.
Villager Interaction: Since you're only time traveling a day, your villagers will remember you, and you can easily check in on them afterward.
No Negative Impact: As before, this small time travel won’t negatively affect your relationships with your villagers. Just remember to save your game afterward if you want to maintain the progress!
Once you time travel forward, check on your bamboo, and if you need any further help or if you have any thoughts to share, feel free to reach out! Enjoy your time on your island! 🌱🌼
Well they haven't grown that much... They aren't grown after I placed them in the grass.
If your bamboo trees haven’t grown at all after being planted in the grass, there are a few things to check:
Growth Time: Bamboo typically takes a full day to grow after being planted. If you’ve just time traveled forward and it’s still the next day after planting, they should show some growth, but they may not reach full height immediately. They usually grow a bit each day until they reach their maximum height.
Bamboo Shoot vs. Bamboo: Make sure you planted bamboo shoots and not just the bamboo items. Bamboo shoots are what you plant in the ground to grow bamboo.
Location Check: Ensure that the bamboo was planted in a suitable area (on grass or dirt). If it was successfully planted, you should see at least the start of its growth.
Growth Rate: Bamboo typically grows to full height in one or two days if planted correctly, but they may appear smaller initially. You may need to keep time traveling to see more growth if it takes a few days.
If everything is correct and they’re still not growing, you might consider digging them up and replanting just to make sure everything is properly set.
Feel free to share any other observations, and I’ll be glad to help troubleshoot further! 🌾🌱
If your bamboo trees haven't grown after being planted in the grass and it has been a full day since you planted them, here are some troubleshooting steps and considerations:
Confirm Planting: Ensure that you planted bamboo shoots rather than fully grown bamboo items. Bamboo shoots are what you plant into the ground to grow new bamboo.
Check the Location: Make sure the bamboo shoots are indeed in grass or dirt. Bamboo will not grow if planted on paths, sand, or areas that aren’t suitable for planting.
Watering: While bamboo doesn't require watering like other trees, if there was a rainstorm, that wouldn’t affect its growth either, since it’s less about watering and more about the growth mechanics in the game.
Game Mechanics: Keep in mind that it typically takes a full day for bamboo to show any visible growth. They might not look significantly different right away—even after the first day—but they should show some noticeable change soon.
Time Travel Again: If they still appear unchanged after this, you could try moving them to a different area that has plenty of space and time traveling forward another day to see if that helps.
If they still show no signs of growth after these checks, you might consider digging them up and replanting them in a different spot. If you have more questions or need additional guidance, feel free to ask! 🌿🌼
Are u sure it takes a day?
I apologize for any confusion! Bamboo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons typically takes one day to grow after planting a bamboo shoot in the correct location (grass or dirt). However, it can take a few days before you see it reach its full height, as the growth occurs gradually.
Key Points About Bamboo Growth:
Days to Grow: After planting a bamboo shoot, you should expect to see noticeable growth by the next day, but it may take an additional day or two to reach its full height, depending on how many times you've previously planted bamboo on your island.
Initial Growth: The bamboo might not look significantly different after just one day. It may appear slightly taller, but it could take longer for it to reach its maximum height.
Planting Conditions: Ensure that the bamboo shoot is planted in a valid area (grass or dirt) for it to grow properly.
If you’ve waited a full day and see no growth at all, it may be worth digging up the bamboo shoots and replanting them in a different grassy or dirt area to see if that resolves the issue.
Again, I’m sorry for any confusion in the earlier messages. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask! 🌱🌼
I'm really tempted to tt forward 3 days but I don't know I really want bamboo treeeessssssss and I don't feel like waitingggg
I totally understand the temptation to time travel forward a few days to speed up the bamboo growth, especially when you’re eager to see those trees! Here are some things to consider if you decide to go ahead with that:
Pros of Time Traveling Forward:
Immediate Growth: By time traveling forward three days, you're likely to see the full-grown bamboo trees, and you can enjoy their appearance and use them for crafting and decorating right away.
Progress: It allows you to progress in your island development without waiting around. If you're looking to build or design with bamboo, time traveling can help you get to that point more quickly.
Cons of Time Traveling Forward:
Villager Movements: While it’s unlikely to cause problems if you’ve been maintaining your relationships, time traveling further into the future can sometimes lead to villagers moving away or other unexpected events happening.
Weeds and Mess: The longer the jump in time, the more likely you are to find weeds growing or other items piling up on your island.
Events Missed: If there are specific events (like seasonal events or holiday activities) that you’re looking forward to, you may miss them if you jump too far ahead.
Decision Making:
If you feel comfortable with the potential consequences, time traveling forward three days could definitely be worth it to get those bamboo trees! Just remember to save your game beforehand, and you can always go back if you experience anything you don’t like.
If you do decide to go for it, enjoy the newly grown bamboo! And if you have more questions or need assistance after that, I’m here to help. 🌱🌟
Now I'm worried. None of my villagers are in the plaza.
It’s understandable to feel worried if your villagers aren’t in the plaza after time traveling, but there are a few reasons why that might be the case, and it’s often perfectly normal. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Villager Locations: Villagers tend to have their own routines. They might be in their homes, out visiting each other, or engaging in different activities on the island. They don’t always gather in the plaza at the same time. So, check their individual houses or look around the island—they could be nearby!
Time of Day: Depending on the time of day in the game, villagers can be outside at different locations, depending on their schedules. Some villagers may not spend very much time in the plaza.
Events or Holidays: If you’ve jumped forward to a specific event or holiday, sometimes villagers will behave differently based on scheduled events. However, if it’s just a normal day, they should be out and about.
Interactions Still Intact: As long as you saved your game, your relationships with your villagers should remain intact, regardless of where they are at any given time. You can still interact with them when you find them.
It might be worth checking their homes and wandering around your island to see where they are before worrying too much. If they’re just going about their daily activities, you should still be able to maintain your friendships with them.
If you check back later and still don’t see any villagers or if you have further questions, feel free to reach out! 😊🌟
If I have a high friendship level it won't decrease like that, right?
That’s correct! If you have a high friendship level with your villagers, it will not decrease simply because they aren't immediately in the plaza or engaged with you at that moment. Here are some key points to reassure you:
Friendship Levels: As long as you've maintained consistent interactions with your villagers (talking, gifting, and doing favors), their friendship levels will remain strong. You’re in a good place with them!
Normal Behavior: Villagers can just be busy doing their own thing, like being in their homes or wandering around the island. This behavior doesn’t affect their feelings toward you.
Time Between Interactions: While having a few days without conversation might typically affect friendship levels, if you’ve consistently interacted with them before time traveling, any minor absence (like not finding them in the plaza) won’t suddenly drop your friendship status.
Return to Normalcy: You can always find them later in their homes, which provides another opportunity for interaction and maintaining those friendship levels.
Just keep checking around your island over the next day or two, and I’m sure you’ll find your villagers enjoying their routines. Feel free to ask if you have more questions or details you want to discuss! 🌼😊
Also when I walk in front of them they go to the other direction.
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it’s common for villagers to sometimes change their direction or move away when you get close to them. This behavior can be influenced by several factors:
Random Movement: Villagers have a variety of idle animations and movements, and sometimes they just move in different directions as part of their AI routine. They might decide to walk away from you or change their orientation.
Time of Day and Mood: Depending on the time of day or their current mood, villagers might be more active or more relaxed. At certain times, they might be engaged in their own tasks and won’t always approach you.
Interactivity: If you approach a villager, they might walk away to perform a different activity, like watering flowers or playing with another villager.
Chasing Behavior: Occasionally, some players have noticed a joking “playing hard to get” element, where villagers may seem to deliberately walk away. This is just part of their personality quirks and does not reflect negatively on your friendship with them.
If they do this, don’t worry too much! Just try to engage them when they stop moving or when they’re in a space where you can easily interact, such as their homes or when they’re standing still.
As you've built strong friendships, they will still engage in conversation when you get the chance. If you notice any other behaviors or have further questions about villagers, feel free to ask! 🐻🌟
And how do I get more storage on my house? I updated it.
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, increasing your storage space in your house allows you to keep more items organized. Here’s how you can expand your storage after updating your home:
Home Upgrades: To increase your storage, you need to upgrade your house first through Tom Nook. Each time you upgrade, your storage capacity increases. When you do the initial house expansion, you gain additional storage space.
Storage Increase: After your first upgrade, the default storage space is 80 items. It can go up to 240 items after completing further expansions. Make sure to work on upgrading your house if you haven’t done so yet.
Talk to Tom Nook: You can ask Tom Nook about additional home upgrades. He will guide you through the process and provide information on the costs associated with each upgrade.
Storage Management: As you upgrade your home and gain more storage, regularly manage your items by deciding which ones to keep, sell, or donate to reduce clutter.
If you've completed the basic upgrades and still need more storage, just keep upgrading your house and checking back with Tom Nook for further improvement options. Each time you expand your house, your storage will increase accordingly.
If you have any other questions or need further details on specific upgrades, feel free to ask! 🏡✨
I upgraded my house but I don't have much home storage..
If you've already upgraded your house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons but feel that your storage space is still limited, here’s what you can do to maximize and increase your home storage:
1. Check Your Current Storage Space
- You can check how much storage you currently have by entering your house and accessing your storage by pressing the “Storage” option when prompted.
2. Home Expansions
- Each time you upgrade your home through Tom Nook, you gain additional storage space. The first upgrade gives you even more space, but each subsequent upgrade (to larger house sizes) also adds storage. Make sure to keep upgrading if you want more storage capacity.
- After the first upgrade, your house storage capacity increases to 120 items after the second upgrade and then to 240 items after the third upgrade. Confirm that you’ve completed all rounds of upgrades.
3. Accessing Storage
- You can access your storage anytime you’re in your house. Just interact with the storage unit (the wardrobe or the closet where you store items), and check how much space you currently have left.
4. Organizing Your Inventory
- If you find that you’re running low on space, consider organizing your items. You can discard, sell, or donate items you don’t need anymore to free up space.
- Dropping items on the ground outside doesn't utilize your storage but can create temporary clutter if you don't manage it.
5. Crafting and Customizing
- Use materials efficiently by crafting. If you have excess materials that don't fit in your storage, consider using them to craft items instead.
6. Additional Storage Outside Your Home
- While your home has a specific storage limit, remember that you can also use storage sheds or place items around your village. New Horizons allows you to drop items from your inventory if urgent space is needed.
If, after checking these tips, you believe your storage space hasn’t increased properly, you might want to double-check with Tom Nook to ensure all upgrades have been processed correctly. If you have any more questions or particular issues, let me know and I’d be happy to help! 🏡✨
Do I need to pay off my home loans or sm first
Yes, in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you need to pay off your home loans before you can access further upgrades, including increasing your storage space through home expansions. Here’s how it works:
Steps to Upgrading Your Home and Increasing Storage:
Pay Off Current Loans:
- Before you can request a new home upgrade, you'll need to fully pay off your existing loan. Each time you upgrade your house, Tom Nook gives you a new loan for the renovations, which you must pay off before requesting additional upgrades.
Accessing Upgrades:
- Once your current loan is paid off, you can go back to Tom Nook (at Resident Services) and ask about upgrading your home. He will provide you with options for home expansions.
Storage Capacity:
- Each upgrade generally increases your home’s storage capacity. For example, the storage increases after the first upgrade, and subsequently with each new upgrade you make.
Managing Your Loans:
- Checking Loan Status: You can check your current loan balance and any payments you've made either by talking to Tom Nook or through the account app on your Nook Phone after your house is upgraded.
- Paying Off Loans: To pay off your loans, simply select the option when you interact with the ABD (Automated Bell Dispenser) in Resident Services. You can pay in full or make partial payments.
If you’re looking to increase your storage, focusing on paying off the loan for your current house first will be the best route. If you have any further questions about loans or upgrades, feel free to ask! 🏡💰✨