How do I contain Carbon dioxide when I combine sulfuric acid, sodium carbonate and calcium chloride?

3 answers

If you are generating CO2 you don't need CaCl2. Only H2SO4 and Na2CO3 are needed. What do you mean contain? Do you want to collect it? One way is to displace air by allowing the CO2 to enter an open vessel (turned open side up) and since CO2 is heavier than air the CO2 will displace the air with the vessel being filled with CO2 and forcing air out the open end of the vessel. Another way, but you will need extra CO2 to do it, is to displace water. The only downside to this is that CO2 is soluble in water so you will lose some of it but after the water is saturated, the vessel will fill. If I have misinterpreted the question pleas clarify and repost.
I am trying to show that the combined weight of the reactants is equal to the combined weight of the reaction. When I placed CaCl2 into Na2 CO3 I didn't lose any weight. When I added Sulfuric Acid, I could not recork due to safety, therefore I lost Carbon Dioxide which reduced my weight. How can I safely contain the Carbon Dioxide to maintain the weight?
A response to this can be found at your other post.