How do emotional or psychological problems develop in children? What are the roles of genetic, biological, and environmental factors on the development of these types of problems?

4 answers

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I believe I know how emotional or psychological problems develop in children. Abnormal rearing habits such as neglect and abuse cause the child to eventually internalize his/her environment and eventually that becomes their view of a normal life. They will hate themselves because nobody showed any affection. A child needs to be shown affection in order to internalize it, and to then express it later on. If a child misses out on emotional development, he/she will most likely grow up to become someone who can't process that kind of information correctly (i.e psychopathic). They were given no opportunities as a child to connect with anyone in that way, which leads to stunted emotional development. Is this correct? I just need help putting into words the roles that genetic, biological, and environmental factors play on the development of these problems.
Why did you copy and paste this answer from another website? How did your genetic, biological, and environmental factors lead you to cheat?
I was going to cite the information when I use it. I was trying to find the answers to the questions.