how do decentralize goverment reduce environmental degradation

3 answers

The interval has width 2, so if there are n rectangles in the sum,
the width of each is 2/n
using right endpoints, xk = 1+(2/n)*k

lim  ∑(1+(2/n)*k)(2/n)
n->∞   k=1
The interval has width 2, so if there are n rectangles in the sum,
the width of each is 2/n
using right endpoints, xk = 1+(2/n)*k

lim    ∑(1+(2/n)*k)(2/n)
n->∞   k=1
The interval has width 2, so if there are n rectangles in the sum,
the width of each is 2/n
using right endpoints, xk = 1+(2/n)*k

lim     ∑(1+(2/n)*k)(2/n)
n->∞   k=1