The structure of the table of derived characteristics of Xenites was chosen based on the different characteristics that were found to be important and relevant for categorizing and comparing the Xenites. The rows in the table represented each individual Xenite (Xenite A, Xenite B, Xenite C, etc.), while the columns represented specific characteristics or traits of the Xenites (such as color, size, shape, behavior, etc.).
The order of the rows in the table was originally based on the order in which the Xenites were discovered or identified. As new Xenites were added to the table, they were typically inserted at the end of the table and the order of the rows remained the same.
When Xenite F was added to the table, it did not require reorganizing the entire table. Instead, Xenite F was simply added as a new row at the end of the table, following Xenite E. This was because the original order of the rows was not based on any specific criteria such as size or color, but rather a simple chronological order of discovery. Since Xenite F was discovered after Xenite E, it was added after Xenite E in the table.
If there were specific criteria or categories that were significant for organizing the Xenites, then the table may have been reorganized when new Xenites were added. However, in this case, the order of the rows was not of significant importance, so reorganizing the table was not necessary when Xenite F was added.
How did you choose the structure the table of derived characteristics of Xenites (what were the rows and columns, and what order did you use?) When you added Xenite F, did you reorganize the table? If so, why?
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