how did World War 1 contribute to the events leading up to world war 2

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported hitlers action to defy it
B. Mussolini declared war on Germany

1 answer

A. Germans hated the Versailles treaty and supported Hitler's action to defy it:

One significant way in which World War 1 contributed to the events leading up to World War 2 was through the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty, signed in 1919, imposed heavy reparations on Germany, stripped away its territories, and significantly limited its military capabilities. This resulted in a deep sense of humiliation and resentment among the German population.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party utilized this sentiment to gain popularity and support in the 1930s. Hitler vowed to overturn the unfair terms of the Treaty of Versailles and restore German power and territory. The German population, feeling the burden of the treaty's consequences, rallied behind Hitler's promises.

The economic, social, and political instability caused by the Great Depression also played a role in pushing the German population towards supporting radical leaders like Hitler. As Germany's economy crumbled, Hitler's promises of economic recovery and nationalist pride grew more appealing. Many German citizens saw Hitler and the Nazi Party as the solution to their country's problems, leading to their rise to power.

Therefore, World War 1 indirectly contributed to the events leading up to World War 2 by creating the conditions for the rise of extremist ideologies and leaders like Hitler who defied the Treaty of Versailles and sought to restore Germany's power and dominance.