Ms. Sue already told you to read through the obvious Related Questions below.
Once you do and you get a start on your essay, feel free to post it here if you want someone to critique your thinking and writing.
How did the supreme court decision in Worcester v Georgia and the Indian Removal Act lead to the removal and resettlement of native American groups?
please help me with this
all i want is help getting started or a sample essay
5 answers
The students here are smarter than you think, and we don't go on to suspicious websites, cause they could have computer viruses. so can you actually help us now (I'm not saying give out the answer just a judge to the right direction)
@Star Lord I've seen you comment on every question that is like this and you are just being a down right hypocrite.
What is this place? XD.
@kitty i speak the truth and the truth can hurt sometimes