The advancements and practices of China had a major impact on the development and growth of the country. The Chinese developed a strong agricultural system, which allowed them to produce more food and support a larger population. They also developed a strong bureaucracy and a system of civil service exams, which allowed them to have a more efficient government. These advancements allowed China to become a powerful and prosperous nation.
The advancements and practices of China also had an impact on Japan. Japan adopted many of the Chinese practices, such as the civil service exams, which allowed them to have a more efficient government. They also adopted Chinese agricultural techniques, which allowed them to produce more food and support a larger population. These Chinese advancements and practices allowed Japan to become a powerful and prosperous nation as well.
How did the advancements or practices of china affect the development and growth
of china? How did they affect japan in the=ree or four sentences?
1 answer