how did rome influence later governments?

13 answers
thank you so much!!
You are very welcome.
can someone just say the flippin answer??
ya you do nothing that helps i thought this was a homework helper but i guess not
u is so right yours truly
It doesn't say anything It says error something.
can't go in
This may be something helpful I found on the internet:
Roman Influence
This type of government has elected officials that govern the country and are responsible to the voters who elect them. The Romans created a republic after overthrowing a king. Romans are also responsible for creating a legal code written down which protected the rights of all citizens.
Considering this, how did the Romans influence our government?
Rome's primary influence on modern government is the concept of elected officials. In the beginning of the Republic, all Roman officials were selected from a pool of patricians, the noble-born people of Rome. They were placed at various posts, whereas the most important one was that of a consul.

Subsequently, question is, how did ancient Rome and Greece influence our government? Our government also requires political power exercised by the citizens which came from the Greek Democracy. The Senate was the highest authority in the Roman Republic. The roman republic was the phase of ancient Roman civilization characterized by a republican form of government.

Herein, what was Rome's influence on democracy?

Rome contributed to democracy by creating a government where the people ruled. While Rome was a republic and not a democracy, the Romans established the framework for future democratic governments. Rome had senators and tribunes elected by the people to represent their interests.

How has Roman law influenced modern law?

Roman law is the stable foundation on which modern legal culture has developed and evolved upon as a whole. The Civil law system is based on the late Roman law and its most distinctive feature - that its core principles are codified into a system which servers as the primary source of law.
Thank you so much for the info Henry.
this name means angie in Japanese btw, just looked it up
wow thank you all for your help. -_-
I don't understand-