How did medical technology factor into Western imperialism?


Many Europeans died from untreatable illnesses, making it possible for natives to fight back.
Many Europeans died from untreatable illnesses, making it possible for natives to fight back.

New European medicines made surviving harsh colonial conditions possible.
New European medicines made surviving harsh colonial conditions possible.

Medicine practiced by native peoples was integrated into Western science.
Medicine practiced by native peoples was integrated into Western science.

Europeans created medical schools to educate natives in Western medicine.

1 answer

Europeans created medical schools to educate natives in Western medicine. These schools were often used as a tool for Western imperialism, as they were used to indoctrinate locals in Western ways of thinking and to assimilate them into colonial society. Additionally, medical technology, such as vaccines and antiseptics, was also used as a way to control and dominate native populations. For example, vaccines were used to protect colonizers from diseases but were not always readily provided to natives, leading to further exploitation and oppression. Overall, medical technology played a significant role in Western imperialism, both as a means of control and as a way to survive in harsh colonial conditions.