The fear of communism during McCarthyism led to a widespread atmosphere of fear and suspicion in American society. Many people were accused of being communists or sympathizers without any evidence, leading to a climate of paranoia and witch hunts.
Church attendance did increase as people turned to religion during this time of uncertainty, seeking solace and guidance. However, many Americans were not willing to give up their civil liberties in exchange for a sense of security and protection from the perceived threat of communism.
People were indeed fired from their jobs if they were suspected of being associated with communist activities, leading to a violation of their civil liberties. The government also increased surveillance and monitoring of its citizens, with the FBI engaging in extensive surveillance and keeping secret files on suspected communists.
Overall, McCarthyism had a chilling effect on American society, leading to a erosion of civil liberties and an atmosphere of fear and paranoia. It brought about a wave of censorship and repression that affected many aspects of American life.
How did MCCARTHYISM in the fear of communism affect the American society
Church attendance increased, and many Americans were willing to give up some civil liberties
Many Americans refused to give up any civil liberties and church attendance decreased
People were fired for attending communist, meetings, and civil liberties increased
The FBI was not allowed to the activities of Americans. Keep secret files.
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