how did life in rural england change after the enclosures.. by the building of a modern nation.

9 answers

What are enclosures?
to enclose means to fence off but still I donèt understand
Please check your book for information about how fences changed rural England. Before then, people could graze their livestock on large open areas owned by the community. After people started private ownership of land, they fenced in their fields and meadows.
the bulding of modern nation madfe farming more efficient byt had disatrous consequences for farm workers. Towns grew enourmously , growth in manufacturing grew, please add to this
The farm workers had to go to work for the farmers with land. Living in crowded towns was difficult for many people. People in towns had to work in factories for long hours under sometimes dangerous conditions.
Is this all I need.
It's all you need -- unless your book makes some other important points.
You're very welcome.