How did Jehovah progressively extend the boundaries of his tent?

Jehovah then created other spirit beings, inviting them to be his guests too. His angels are called “sons of God” and are described as being happy in Jehovah’s company. (Job 38:7; Dan. 7:10) For some time, God’s friendship was limited to those living in the spirit realm, where he dwells. Later, he extended his tent to include humans on earth. In time, among those favored ones were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Job. Those true worshippers were described as God’s friends, or ones who walked “with the true God.”​—Gen. 5:24; 6:9; Job 29:4; Isa. 41:8.

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Jehovah has progressively widened the scope of His friendship and relationship, starting with the spirit realm. Initially, His angels, referred to as "sons of God," enjoyed His company in heaven. As time went on, He extended this bond to humanity, welcoming faithful individuals like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Job into His close circle. These individuals were recognized as friends of God, demonstrating their faithfulness and connection with Him. This illustrates Jehovah's desire to establish a relationship not only with spirit beings but also with people on earth, highlighting His inclusive nature.