How did Greek religion shape Ancient Greek's government and society?
3 answers
Ancient Greeks believed gods and goddesses controlled nature and guided their lives. They built monuments, buildings, and statues to honor them. Stories of the gods and goddesses and their adventures were told in myths. The Greeks did not believe that gods and goddesses were all-powerful. They did have special powers, but they were just as flawed as humans. The gods and goddesses married humans, had children, fought wars, and argued with each other. The 12 most important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. Zeus was the king of all the gods. Each god and goddess ruled over some aspect of life and was represented by certain objects or animals. To honor their gods and goddesses, ancient Greeks practiced rituals to please them and to ensure their good fortune. They built altars, prayed, presented gifts, and dedicated festivals to them. The Olympics was a festival created to honor the god Zeus, held in the city of Olympia.
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