How did five of the virgins prove to be discreet? (Matthew 25:6-10)

1 answer

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:6-10, the five virgins who are referred to as "discreet" or wise demonstrate their prudence by being prepared for the arrival of the bridegroom. While the bridegroom was delayed, all ten virgins fell asleep. However, when the call announced his arrival at midnight, the five wise virgins were prepared because they had brought extra oil for their lamps.

In contrast, the five foolish virgins did not take additional oil and found their lamps running out. When they asked the wise virgins for some of their oil, the wise virgins refused, stating that there might not be enough for both groups and advised the foolish ones to go buy their own. Ultimately, when the foolish virgins returned, they found the doors to the wedding feast closed, and they were not permitted to enter.

Their discretion is thus seen in their foresight and preparation, ensuring that they had enough oil to keep their lamps burning, which allowed them to enter the wedding banquet with the bridegroom. This parable highlights the importance of being prepared and vigilant in the face of uncertainty.