How did Emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism?
47 answers
i dONt unDERtsTAnd
please elaborate or at least tell meh where it says it
please elaborate or at least tell meh where it says it
NoT aTt AlL hElPfUl
Thanks so much Ms. Sue, don't listen to the people who say you aren't useful because you don't give them the direct answer, you really help me with my homework with the links! I've learned a lot from your help, and I do appreciate it!
I do understand but if miss sue don't like us and wants to talk crap get off we are not hurting nobody exept us failing in our grades we come her to check our answers NOT to cheat and who ever does, it to check work or get the answer that they do not know so miss sue I know you have probably been a round from 2012 but its time to go if you don't appreciate us on here CHECKING our answers thank you AND good day to everyone out there.
I read the Link you sent and found some awnsers, Thank you :3
I need help please I need18,19,20,21 please or else I will fell again *crying*
Mrs.sue doesn't talk bad on us rlly but we always hate on her because she wont cheat for us.... im starting to get it
@Money. Ms.Sue, nor anyone else does. It is NOT a cheating sight. It is a sight to help people who are failing, and to make sure you are correct, besides you came here for the same reason the rest of us did.
I think miss sue is a great help and i appreciate it.
i think Ms. Sue passed away....i saw on another question two people said rip Ms. Sue with sad emoji and heart but i mean it seems true she retired from public school before 2012 right? so im pretty sure she was of old age :(
mrs sue is a great teacher. thats that.
Tbh but sometimes u have to let things slide not saying anything but still
AGAIN, this is not the first time on this app that this has happened, This is Jiskha the whole purpose of the app is to tell the answers no matter what, even if someone is cheating so what mind your business and live life.
I came here to check my work, but I can't get even one answer!!!
I came here to check my work, but I can't get even one answer!!!
Would somebody givew the REAL answer and stop blabering about Mrs. Sue?? She is just doing her job, so no reason to be mean to her.
Thanks Ms. Sue. Not a direct answer I was looking for but still helps.
Plz give the gosh darn answer
pls I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed help
what is the answer i need this or will fail history so plz whoever knows the answer pl tell us
I only use this website to check my answers
ok well yeah i couldnt find the answer but .. this is not a cheating website. its a website to check your answers or have an idea on what your supposed to do. and im failing school .. but anywaysss try ur best!! u got this :D
his achievements are that he turned a warring civilization into a peaceful one. this reflects Buddhism because one of the beliefs of Buddhism is to not hurt other people.
sxan sorry that is my way of saying thankchuuu 4 the correct answer ms sue ur da best
I went threw this whole thing and out of 30 responds no one has the i'ma see what Ms. Sue has on that link, soo bye. cya👋
I didn't die!!! I love you all very much and I hope you all missed me!! I was on a break for this website, because I was helping other students out. Thanks!
If the teacher doesn't have a person above there name, there not a real teacher. Don't fall for it plz.
Rip mis sue💔 and I was just looking for the answer but I got drama buuuuut I’m not complaining
This is hilarious no one reveals the answer and it’s a two part story with another question from this test where is whole areas especially with what Macy I think anyways her story is hilarious and I might have to upload this to YouTube because of how hilarious this I’m literally laughing as I’m typing this what besides the point and the first time that I’ve been on Jay’s car but I’m just stating that is the story with Macy or whatever and trying to be like hey go check on literallyThe whole point of J Scott is to cheat not really help I think more people come here to cheat them for help anyway so like layoff and I mean it’s not like you’ve been here since quarantine anyway so but still funny story 10 out of 10 oh yeah make sure to subscribe to Amazon mud bug ETA on YouTube also can we actually get the freaking answer please
The YouTube account is actually mtownmudbug ea my bad also reeee u guys are stupid like rly do we really not want to share the answer that badly u cheap skates also I’m not trying to be rude I’m just stating the Obvious have a nice life!!
All of you need to calm the heck down- This is a website to help students who are failing in their subjects. I came here because I needed someone to emphasize an answer, but, I guess I won't get an answer. I'm not being mean, but we shouldn't fight..
Also, I am not failing, I actually study (NOT BEING RUDE.) If you read the textbook or the online textbook, it will answer almost all of your questions. Before you use this site, actually read your questions and try and see if you can answer what is given. Thank you for your time, you all are amazing!! :)
That was me btw- ^
This is honestly really sad I came here to get the answer and this is what I see can someone just put it in it does not matter if your cheating or if your checking your answer its none of my concern or anybody else concern if you came here to cheat go ahead cheat like I said its none of anyone's concern or place to tell you not to, and if you came here just to check your answers check your answers and go about your business there's no point in talking about anything else besides what you came here for which is answers.
im gonna fail if i dont have answers
pls help me
The way of emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism is as follows Through centralized policy of dharma, diverse and vast Mauryan empire was ruled by Ashoka who patronized the spread of art and Budhhism throughout the empire.
The answer 100%
The answer 100%
nefrenf,ebfkdbfkldfbdrskjlgbreslkjghlgnrdkjfdrhfkljdr ty answer giver
Thanks @lamira answer giver, this is gonna help me on the test!
ms. sue is da best she dosnt let us cheat but she does help us find the answers on are own so whether shes alive or not alive aka dead she is a huge help.
You are a wonderful person and you can do anything if you just believe in yourself. You got this! sending love to anyone who needs it.💗
bro this is not a site to help people who are failing it's a site to answer people's questions
Yeah I agree with everyone else no cheating or u will never get ahead in life so pleas stop cheating and believe in yourself that u can do it. 😎🥳
Have great day btw 😇🌸🌸🍪
Have great day btw 😇🌸🌸🍪