How did Cold War conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union impact political ideologies around the world? Include details about the spread of democracy and communism and the adoption of socialism in various forms.

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It would very helpful if you know any links that I can read that would help me answer this question :)
you know, many books have and are being written on this.
If schools online gave books, you right
But they don't, so its kind of hard lol
Cold War conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union impact political ideologies around the world. The United States wanted to end communism while the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism. The United States believed in capitalism. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's a trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. The Soviet Union believed in socialism. Socialism is ownership by the government, no private ownership. The United States wanted individual happiness and wealth rather than everyone having the same things. The communist believes everyone should have the same wealth, education, and money no matter how hard or how little they worked. The United States wanted democracy and to spread democracy. Democracy is based on the practices of social equality. With socialism, there is increased crime and corruption. No one person is responsible. With capitalism and democracy, you yourself are responsible for your choices and wealth. People are free to make their choices. People are not told how to live. People then usually make better choices. Capitalism impacts the rise of the domestic economy causing a rise. Communism and socialism cause the collapse of the government and increase the poor getting poorer. The countries under this ideology will eventually collapse and fail. The Soviet Union collapsed. Now it is Russia. The United States moves forward while the Soviet Union was left behind. Some countries still practice socialism and they are collapsing. The United States will continue to move forward under capitalism.