How come animals don't appreciate music?

I have played music for cats and dogs in the past, but they don't seem to appreciate it. Are they not able to interpret and appreciate notes? I know they can hear the music because their ears twitch. Or, if the song has a high frequency, the dog might tilt his head or something like that. But they never seem to find any enjoyment or joy from the notes.

1 answer

I always thought that Masaru Emoto’s water experiments were quite profound. He proved that human thought and emotion could not only impact the molecular structure of water, but that water seemed to almost be alive and directly responding to a variety of human influences including music.
Whenever my animals seem generally unamused at my music choices, I always think of these experiments and how it must be impacting their physical structure on subconscious level, in some way..

Maybe it sounds like sims music to them.