how can you make squat easier and harder

1 answer

There are several ways to make squats easier or harder depending on your fitness level and goals.

To make squats easier:
1. Use a chair or bench for support by squatting down until your hips touch the seat and then standing back up.
2. Perform squats with a resistance band looped around your thighs to provide assistance and take some of the load off your legs.
3. Do partial squats by only lowering halfway down instead of going all the way to parallel.
4. Use a lighter weight or no weight at all during squats if you are a beginner or recovering from an injury.

To make squats harder:
1. Increase the weight by using dumbbells, a barbell, or kettlebells during squats.
2. Slow down the tempo by lowering and raising yourself slowly to increase time under tension and make the exercise more challenging.
3. Perform single-leg squats or pistol squats to increase the demand on your legs and core.
4. Incorporate pause squats where you hold the bottom position for a few seconds before standing back up.
5. Plyometric squats, such as jump squats or squat jumps, can also increase the intensity of the exercise.