Find the multiples of each denominator (bottom number) for example the mutiples of 5 would be 5,10,15,20...
Find the Lowest Common Multiple of both fractions
Once both denominators have the same denominator remember whatever you did to the denomnator to make it hat number you have to do the same to the top
for example 5/20 4/5 (x4)
5/20 /20
5/20 16/20
4/5 = 16/20
5/8 (x?) = 15/24
how can you find an equivalent of a fraction
for example 15/24 and the equivalent fraction is 5/8.??how?/
can you explain and give me examlpes
3 answers
is it 3
can you give me more examples please.
can you give me more examples please.
it is 3! Congrats.
12/15 (x ?) = 48/60
14/20 (x ?) = 7/10
3/4 (x ?) = 75/100
12/15 (x ?) = 48/60
14/20 (x ?) = 7/10
3/4 (x ?) = 75/100