How can you decide if a webpage is authentic and not just the opinion of somenone wishing to push a particular viewpoint?
7 answers
Hi are you evaluating a webpage at the moment or are you answering a homework question?
im asking a question...
Oh, right. Everyone has their own opinions or bias, its the ability to put their own opinions and feelings aside and do a good evaluation that matters.
You'd look the author and at the authors perspective.
You'd look the author and at the authors perspective.
i need help with my homework that's why
yes thank you ,but how would you know if a webpage is original and not just an opinion of someone wishing to push a partricular viewpoint
All webpages are original! Unless they are copying someone elses stuff.
You are asking about bias and how severly it clouds the information. Youd look at stuff like does the information match up to other information, affilations of the author, how moderate or extreme the views are and how impartially the information is presented. Its also a good idea to check 'affilated wbsites' sponsors or the url to try and work it out.
You are asking about bias and how severly it clouds the information. Youd look at stuff like does the information match up to other information, affilations of the author, how moderate or extreme the views are and how impartially the information is presented. Its also a good idea to check 'affilated wbsites' sponsors or the url to try and work it out.
University ibrary websites:
If you cannot get the information you need from these excellent librarians' work, I'd be amazed.
If you cannot get the information you need from these excellent librarians' work, I'd be amazed.