how can write a pseudo code and a flow charts to solve these?
1 to find the greatest common divisor out of two positive integers.
2 to find the smallest common factor out of two positive intrgers.
Write the flow of thinking just as you do it in your head. Work through a sample problem on paper, then model your process as a flow chargt.
Note that you can define the greatest common divisor function recursively:
GCD[x,y] = GCD[y Mod x,x]
And GCD[0,x] = x
2 answers
READ a,b;
If c=0
DISPLAY n is the GCD;
If c is not equal to 0
REPLACE a with b and b with the c and go to c=a%b
If c=0
DISPLAY n is the GCD;
If c is not equal to 0
REPLACE a with b and b with the c and go to c=a%b