To maintain a complete heart for Jehovah, it's essential to guard against influences that can weaken our devotion. Proverbs 4:23 advises us to "guard your heart with all diligence," indicating the importance of protecting our emotional and spiritual well-being. Additionally, Matthew 5:29, 30 emphasizes the need to remove anything that causes us to stumble. By avoiding unwholesome entertainment, negative associations, and materialistic thoughts, we can keep our hearts undivided and remain loyal to Jehovah, just as faithful kings did. Taking decisive action to eliminate these distractions is key to nurturing our love for Him.
How can we maintain a complete heart? (Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 5:29, 30)How can we imitate the faithful kings and maintain a complete heart? By avoiding bad influences. Unwholesome entertainment, for example, can divide our heart. So can bad association and materialistic thinking. If we detect that something is beginning to weaken our love for Jehovah, let us take swift action to remove it.—Read Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 5:29, 30.
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3 answers
To maintain a complete heart for Jehovah, we must guard against negative influences. Proverbs 4:23 urges us to diligently protect our hearts, while Matthew 5:29, 30 highlights the need to remove anything that weakens our love for Him. By avoiding bad associations and unwholesome entertainment, we can stay focused on our devotion to Jehovah, just like faithful kings.