How can this country best prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens
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how can the country prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens
I think that the country can come up with new and improved immigration laws which permit only a portion of residents to come to the United States and also help other countries and ourselves at the same time by sponsoring relocation groups to different areas. The relocation should be done only on a voluntary basis and not mandatory. We can start adding culturre to our schools and classrooms that represent many different environments as well as our present ones. Make it mandatory for our schools to teach the students about all races and cultures instead of just the standard currriculum. Make it more of a variety in the classroom since we are having more and more different nationalities and cultures enter our classrooms.
The country could come up with different rules and laws for the immigration. We are having more of different nationalities and cultures entering the United States. They cross the borders to live here. The migrants should pay taxes just like we Americans do, in steaad of getting everything free.
2 answers