The phenomenon of identical fossils being found on different continents today can be explained by two main factors:
1. Birds: Many smaller organisms, including insects and small reptiles, can be carried across long distances by birds. Birds often migrate across continents, and during their journeys, they may pick up fossils or small organisms and transport them to different locations. This can lead to the occurrence of identical fossils being found on different continents.
2. Plate Tectonic Movements: Over millions of years, the Earth's continents have undergone significant movements due to plate tectonics. Continents have collided, separated, and drifted apart, which has resulted in the fragmentation and rearrangement of landmasses. Fossils that were initially present on a single continent can get split apart as the continents move. Eventually, these landmasses can end up on different continents, leading to the discovery of identical fossils on separate continents today.
In summary, the transportation of fossils by birds and the movement of continents due to plate tectonics can explain the presence of identical fossils on different continents today.
How can identical fossils be found on different continents today?
Birds move them
Plate Tectonic movements.
3 answers
whats the answer ai
Identical fossils can be found on different continents today due to plate tectonic movements. Over geologic time, continents have moved and shifted due to the movement of tectonic plates. Continents that were once connected have separated, and fragments of land have been transported to different continents. As a result, fossils that were originally deposited in one location can now be found on different continents due to the shifting and rearrangement of landmasses.