Being that I am a story writer myself, here's some tips and ideas:
The start a story, you need a plot. Make a plot that sums up what's to come in your story. Once your plot is started, begin to pick our main roles and mini roles of the people in your story. It's important to know what you want to write about so that your not writing about something that doesn't have a strong effect on the reader. Goodluck! :)
How can I start out a story?
I could set the scene, or from the main part, but what are some other ways to start a story?
5 answers
@Mia, for someone who is a story teller, you sure do know how to "spell" hahaha!
And Rob, Mia is trying to help me so don't be that way!
Mia, you start a story the same as weaving a basket: Start with a thread or two, then begin to weave, adding threads, but keeping them going.
It usually does not matter which thread you begin with, as you quickly begin to weave. Many story tellers try to set the scene first, hoping the reader will bring to them their remembrances, and emotions into the story to make it easier to weave.
Examples: It was a dark and lonely night,
She sparkled with radiance..
My earliest rememberances was...
It was the cave we sat in for supper...
It usually does not matter which thread you begin with, as you quickly begin to weave. Many story tellers try to set the scene first, hoping the reader will bring to them their remembrances, and emotions into the story to make it easier to weave.
Examples: It was a dark and lonely night,
She sparkled with radiance..
My earliest rememberances was...
It was the cave we sat in for supper...