Please read this webpage very carefully. It'll give you plenty of ideas you can use. The one thing you DON'T want to do is just rephrase your introduction!!
Please post your conclusion once you've written and proofread it. Someone here will be happy to read it over and give you feedback.
How can I rewrite this introduction paragraph as a CONCLUSION paragraph?
Tuesdays with Morrie is a very meaningful and powerful novel. In the novel the author Mitch album is recapping on the last few weeks he spent with his dear friend and college professor Morrie Schwartz who had just found out that he is dying from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gherig's disease, an incurable illness which attacks the neurological system and causes loss of muscle control. During this time Morrie would give advice and life lessons to Mitch. I feel the as if Album wrote the novel to keep Morrie's messages alive after his death. One of the messages Morrie spoke on was "Acceptance through detachment" meaning, in order to know you want something let it go.
2 answers
And please note the correct spelling of the author's name!!