To multiply 306 by 21 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:
Write the numbers vertically:
306 × 21 ──────
Multiply the bottom number's units place (1) by the top number (306):
- 1 × 306 = 306
- Write this result below the line:
306 × 21 ────── 306 (this is 306 × 1)
Multiply the bottom number's tens place (2) by the top number (306):
- 2 × 306 = 612
- Since you are in the tens place, put a zero in the units place of this result (essentially, you are multiplying by 20):
- Write this result below the previous line, shifted one position to the left:
306 × 21 ────── 306 (this is 306 × 1) +6120 (this is 306 × 20)
Add the two results:
306 + 6120 ────── 6426
Final answer: Therefore, \( 306 × 21 = 6426 \).