How can I make a perfect sentence without messing up?
6 answers
Keep editing your first sentence until it reads the way you want. Then -- proofread and proofread again.
But my mom says it is not good enough.
Thank uhhh... Ms.Sue We are almost alike my name is susie!
What isn't good enough? If you post your sentence here, I'll try to help you.
In “Restoring the Circle, written by Joseph Bruchac, the author is concerned that…….Bruchac believes that……...can be changed by……….. One example of Bruchac’s solution working in the text is”....................” (Bruchac 322) Another example is “.............................”(Bruchac 323) In conclusion, Joseph Bruchac was concerned that…….,but he believes this can be corrected by……...
Describe how some native americans used a circle to explain life?