How can I illustrate or draw this: While on a boat it may not feel like it is moving, but as the boat drifts along the shore, the view changes.
2 answers
No acceleration, no force, no feel.
If you are racing a sailboat from Rhode Island to Bermuda you have to cross the Gulf stream. This flows more or less Northeast at about 4 knots carrying you off course almost 100 miles in a day if you do not correct for it. However you can not feel the current carrying you sideways. You carry a water thermometer (the stream water is very warm) and look at water color, type of clouds and sea life to tell when you are in it. With modern navigational equipment like GPS you keep track of your velocity and position relative to earth constantly. The trick then becomes what is the optimal path to get to Bermuda fastest? How much do you let the stream carry you off the straight line track (rhumb line)? Where do you want to be when you come out the other side? Taking a straight path relative to earth might not be optimal.