What have you said in the body of your paper?
What is your thesis statement?
How can i generally discuss books and World Wide Web in my introduction? I mean i want to focus on books and internet.
7 answers
well i just started but so far this is what i wrote, It is well-known fact that books have been around a long time and they are good to use for research; in contrast, the internet is very popular and a lot faster than reading books. The world that we are living today, has improve in technology which allows us, the new generation to have an easy and a quicker way to learn a subject, that’s why we prefer the World Wide Web, instead of the book.
I can't judge your introduction without at least seeing the outline of what you've said in the body of the paper.
If your last sentence is your thesis, it's awfully wordy and hard to support.
If your last sentence is your thesis, it's awfully wordy and hard to support.
Remember that an introduction tells the reader what to expect in the body of the paper. You can't introduce someone or something without knowing it.
actually it 2 essays but i have to choose one.
1. write an essay in which you compare your own experience with the World Wide Web or a learning program on a multimedia CD-ROM disk to reading a regular book or text book on the same subject. Which experience did you find more useful and worthwhile? Use examples to support your ideas.
1. write an essay in which you compare your own experience with the World Wide Web or a learning program on a multimedia CD-ROM disk to reading a regular book or text book on the same subject. Which experience did you find more useful and worthwhile? Use examples to support your ideas.
Your point of view about books vs. WWW should be included in your thesis statement.
What are three reasons for your point of view? These reasons will form the topic sentencs in the body of your paper. Each reason should be supported by YOUR experience.
Your outline might look something like this:
I. Introduction including your thesis sentence
II. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
III. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
IV. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
V. Conclusion
What are three reasons for your point of view? These reasons will form the topic sentencs in the body of your paper. Each reason should be supported by YOUR experience.
Your outline might look something like this:
I. Introduction including your thesis sentence
II. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
III. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
IV. Reason
. . . A. Support
. . . B. Experience
V. Conclusion
I find this statement odd:
"technology which allows us, the new generation to have an easy and a quicker way to learn a subject"
Can you prove that students today read better and faster and learn "easier and quicker" than people in previous generations who did not have computers and the Internet? If you cannot, be sure you think carefully how you phrase things in your paper so you don't end up with a paper full of fallacies.
"technology which allows us, the new generation to have an easy and a quicker way to learn a subject"
Can you prove that students today read better and faster and learn "easier and quicker" than people in previous generations who did not have computers and the Internet? If you cannot, be sure you think carefully how you phrase things in your paper so you don't end up with a paper full of fallacies.