The structure of Spartan society allowed for the Spartans to focus primarily on military training and fighting.
1. Slaves: The helots, who were slaves or serfs, were responsible for growing the majority of the food for the Spartan population. This freed the Spartans from having to personally tend to agriculture and allowed them to concentrate on military matters.
2. Women: Spartan women had more freedom and responsibilities compared to women in other ancient Greek city-states. They were primarily responsible for managing the household and raising children. As part of their duties, they also grew food to support the Spartan warriors.
3. Children: Spartan children were raised in a communal system known as the agoge, where they underwent rigorous military training from a young age. While they were not involved in growing food, their upbringing revolved around military education and physical training, preparing them for future military service.
4. Men: The adult Spartan men were allocated plots of land known as kleroi. These plots, assigned by the state, were worked on by the helots. When the men were not engaged in military campaigns or training, they would tend to their land, although it was not their primary occupation.
Overall, the division of labor within Spartan society, with helots growing food, women contributing to domestic production, and men tending to their land, allowed the Spartans to prioritize military training and fighting.
How are the Spartans able to focus on military training and fighting?
The slaves grew their food for
The women at home grew their food for
The children through food for
The men grew the food when they were not fighting
1 answer