How are the governments of Jordan and Kuwait different from the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Oman?

• Citizens of Jordan and Kuwait can vote.
• Jordan and Kuwait have monarchs.
• The king of Jordan and emir of Kuwait have more power.
• Women cannot run for office in Jordan or Kuwait.

1 answer

• The United Arab Emirates and Oman are both monarchies, with the UAE being a federation of seven hereditary monarchies called emirates, and Oman being an absolute monarchy.
• The rulers of the UAE and Oman have more power compared to the ruling monarchs of Jordan and Kuwait.
• In the UAE, the rulers of each emirate, called emirs, have significant powers within their respective emirates, while the President of the UAE, who is selected from among the emirs, has limited executive powers at the federal level.
• Oman's Sultan has absolute power, making all major decisions and legislation.
• Citizens of the UAE and Oman have limited political participation, with no voting rights or meaningful representation in government.
• Women in the UAE and Oman have the right to vote and run for office but still face some societal and cultural barriers to full political participation.