How are Psychoanalysis and Humanism different from Behaviorism? Behaviorism focuses on our past and unconscious trauma, whereas Psychoanalysis focuses on positive and negative stimuli Psychoanalysis and Humanism are not recognized psychological approaches, but Behaviorism is Both focus on external observable behaviors only while behaviorism focuses on internal motivations d. Both focus on internal motivations while behaviorism focuses on external observable behaviors

1 answer

Psychoanalysis and Humanism are recognized psychological approaches, but they are different from Behaviorism in various ways:

1. Focus:
- Behaviorism focuses primarily on observable behaviors and external stimuli. It looks at how behaviors are learned through conditioning and reinforcement.
- Psychoanalysis, on the other hand, focuses on the unconscious mind and its effect on behavior. It explores the influence of past experiences, childhood trauma, and unconscious desires on behavior.
- Humanism emphasizes personal growth, self-actualization, and subjective experiences. It focuses on the individual's capacity for self-determination and achieving their fullest potential.

2. Methods:
- Behaviorism uses experimental methods, such as operant conditioning experiments, to investigate the relationship between stimuli, behavior, and learning.
- Psychoanalysis relies on psychotherapy, specifically the therapeutic technique of psychoanalysis, which involves uncovering unconscious conflicts and repressed thoughts through free association, dream analysis, and interpretation.
- Humanistic approaches employ various therapeutic techniques like person-centered therapy, where the therapist provides empathy, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness to enhance self-discovery and personal growth.

3. Nature of explanation:
- Behaviorism seeks to explain behavior based on external factors and observable stimulus-response relationships.
- Psychoanalysis goes beyond the surface behavior and explores deep-rooted, often unconscious, motivations, conflicts, and traumas to explain behavior.
- Humanism focuses on the internal experiences, conscious motivations, and subjective meanings attributed to behavior.

4. Recognition:
- Behaviorism is a recognized and highly influential psychological approach developed by prominent psychologists like Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, and John Watson.
- Psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud, is recognized in the field of psychology but has undergone criticism and modifications over time.
- Humanism, developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, is also a recognized psychological approach that has made significant contributions to psychotherapy and counseling.

In summary, whereas Behaviorism focuses on external observable behaviors and their relationship with stimuli, Psychoanalysis delves into unconscious motivations and past experiences, and Humanism emphasizes personal growth and subjective experiences.