How are newer religions different from older ones? How are they similar?

can anyone help me with this one. or help me find a good website for it. I know the basics.

older religions have been around longer than the newer ones. the only similarity is that older and newer religions worship their own religion in different ways but in the end they tend to do good for who they believe in.and the goodness of their religion

I'm not sure what you mean by newer religions. Among the world's major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity) Islam is the newest -- about 1200-1300 years old. Bahai may be considered the newest world religion at about 100 years old, and some people consider scientology, which is newer yet, to be a religion.

Check these sites on Bahai and scientology.

Not sure what you're thinking of either. Maybe go online and look at the beliefnet website and look under the "Faiths and Practices" link. That might talk about specific religions.

You can access the web site by going to beliefnet with a period and the normal ending to web sites that start with a "c." It has 3 letters c-- I can't type out the web address since "You are not allowed to post internet addresses."

Hope this helps.