Here are the terms with their corresponding definitions and sample sentences:
- Form: adjective
- Definition: cruel; wild; uncivilized
- Sample Sentence: The ancient rituals were considered barbaric by the modern standards of civilization.
- Form: verb
- Definition: to originate or come out from a source
- Sample Sentence: A sense of joy seemed to emanate from the newlyweds as they entered the room.
- Form: adjective
- Definition: pertaining to a song or poem in honor of a bride and groom
- Sample Sentence: The epithalamic verses recited at the wedding captured the love shared between the couple beautifully.
- Form: adjective
- Definition: not controlled or limited; commanding; dominant
- Sample Sentence: The imperious way she directed the preparations for her wedding left little room for anyone's input.
- Form: adjective
- Definition: not restricted or limited; free
- Sample Sentence: The couple enjoyed an untrammeled sense of adventure as they traveled the world together after their wedding.
Feel free to ask if you need more examples or definitions!