Here's the best website I've found to help students read Shakespeare's plays:
Click on the title of the play you want, then click on the act and scene. You'll find original Shakespearean language on the left and a modern-day "translation" on the right.
Here are several other really good websites about Shakespeare and his works and his times. Be sure to add ALL THESE to your favorites so you can find them again.
Find the play in here and read the sections on the characters.
Homework help please i need to pass?
in the play a midsummer night dream
for the character Hermia
i need help answering these question as if i were Hermia.
(answer the questions like something Hermia would say)
really in depth answers please
What does it mean to be a woman
Why am i on earth
Do i have free will or am i controlled by fate
Does thruth change
What is love
Is a person inherently good? Bad? Both?
How much freedom should an individual have
What is the best form of government
What happens when die
How important is money
Is person basically alone or is he or she an integral member of society
1 answer