In the line where Holmes calls Old Ironsides the "eagle of the sea," he is primarily using symbolism to associate the ship with the strength of the United States. The eagle is a national symbol, representing power and freedom, and by referring to the ship as the "eagle of the sea," Holmes elevates its significance and connects it to the nation's identity and strength.
Holmes calls Old Ironsides the "eagle of the sea" in the poem's second stanza.
What is Holmes doing?
using hyperbole to exaggerate the importance of the ship to the United States
using hyperbole to exaggerate the importance of the ship to the United States
using personification to give the ship, an inanimate object, human traits and qualities
using personification to give the ship, an inanimate object, human traits and qualities
using onomatopoeia to link the ship to the sounds it makes when moving in the water
using onomatopoeia to link the ship to the sounds it makes when moving in the water
using symbolism to associate the ship with the strength of the United States
1 answer