Hold on, you've been searching for help for to long now. Maybe you should get some food and some water and do this breathing exercise. This exercise is for health and it helps relive stress and anxiety.

Breathing exercise:
1. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position
2. Close your eyes and relax
3. Breathe in through your nose for a count of four
4. Wait and hold for 7 seconds.
5. Breath out through your mouth for a count of eight
6. Do this three times
Optional: You can play any type of music that calms you down.

Then take a few minutes to relax, like reading a book or playing a game (video games are ok) to yourself. Then come back to your assignments. Thank you!

2 answers

Don't mind my typo at the top its suppose to mean Stop what you doing and click here
stop tryin to make me relax, hippie