HISTORY ESSAY: Think about this same question in relation to the War on Terror that began after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Are there any similarities between the treatment of German Americans during WWI and the treatment of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans after 9/11? Write a five-paragraph essay to compare and contrast attitudes, issues, and actions of the two eras. Use the Internet to research the topic and find images and evidence to inform your writing. Be sure to properly cite any sources or images that you use in your essay.

1 answer

Title: Treatment of German Americans during WWI vs. Treatment of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans after 9/11: A Comparative Analysis

The treatment of German Americans during World War I and the treatment of Muslim Americans and Arab Americans after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, are two significant chapters in American history marked by the impact of wartime rhetoric and fear. This essay explores the similarities and differences between the attitudes, issues, and actions surrounding the treatment of these groups in the respective eras.

Paragraph 1: Attitudes towards German Americans during WWI and Muslim/Arab Americans after 9/11
During World War I, German Americans faced widespread suspicion and anti-German sentiment fueled by the war effort and propaganda campaign. The immigrants were often seen as disloyal and potential spies, leading to increased hostility, cultural backlash, and even mob violence. Similarly, after the 9/11 attacks, Muslim and Arab Americans became targets of Islamophobia and racial profiling amid the fear of potential future terror attacks. Both groups experienced overgeneralization and were subjected to heightened scrutiny based on their ethnicity or religious background.

Paragraph 2: Issues faced by German Americans during WWI and Muslim/Arab Americans after 9/11
German Americans faced broad discrimination and persecution during WWI. The Espionage and Sedition Acts allowed authorities to suppress dissent, censor publications, and imprison German Americans who expressed opposition to the war effort. Businesses, schools, and organizations with German connections were targeted, leading to a loss of social status and economic opportunities. Similarly, after 9/11, Muslim and Arab Americans endured racial profiling, hate crimes, and government surveillance. Many faced increased difficulties in travel, employment, and housing due to widespread fear and preconceived notions about their allegiance and cultural values.

Paragraph 3: Actions taken against German Americans during WWI and Muslim/Arab Americans after 9/11
The U.S. government took several measures to suppress German American influence during WWI. The passage of the Sedition Act of 1918 limited free speech, leading to the arrest and persecution of individuals who openly criticized the war or government policies. German language and culture were stigmatized, leading to the banning of teaching German in schools and removing German books from libraries. Similarly, after 9/11, Muslims and Arabs faced increased surveillance under the USA PATRIOT Act, which broadened government power to monitor communications, detain individuals, and conduct searches without a warrant. Mosques, Muslim charities, and community groups faced intense scrutiny, impinging upon the religious freedom and civil liberties of Muslim and Arab Americans.

Although separated by nearly a century, the treatment of German Americans during WWI and Muslim Americans and Arab Americans after 9/11 shares striking similarities. Both periods witnessed an increase in xenophobia, discriminatory measures, profiling, and restrictions on civil liberties. Recognizing the lessons of history, it is essential to challenge these prejudiced attitudes and work towards a more inclusive society that respects the diversity of its citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or cultural background.

*Note: This essay does not include specific citations as it is a model response. When writing your own essay, ensure to include proper citations and sources for evidence and images used.