1 mile (5280 ft/mile)(1 yard/3 ft) = 1760 yards
so 1 square mile = (1760)^2 = 3,097,600 yd^2
3,097,600 yd^2 * 1 day/4840 yd^2 = 640 days
640 days * 1 year/365 days = 1.75 years
Historically, an acre was the amount of land that an ox could plow in one day, which was deemed to be 4,840 square yards. Supposing that an ox could plow 4,840 square yards in a day, how manyyears would it take an ox to plow a square mile?
4 answers
well shucks -- us farm boys know that 1 sq mile is 640 acres.
46354 miles might be the answer.
I didn't say that it's right.
I didn't say that it's right.
I don't think Damon is right.
I think the answer is 3.75 years.
I think the answer is 3.75 years.