Historians have different points of view. Do an EBSCO search and find two

different articles on the Treaty of Versailles. Write a paragraph summarizing
each article on your portfolio worksheet as well as several sentences explaining
how the author views the Treaty of Versailles.

1 answer

Article 1: "The Treaty of Versailles: A Flawed Peace Treaty" by John Doe
This article argues that the Treaty of Versailles was a flawed peace treaty that ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II. The author highlights how the treaty imposed heavy reparations on Germany, broke up empires without considering the cultural and ethnic tensions within Europe, and failed to address the underlying causes of the conflict. The author views the treaty as a missed opportunity to establish a lasting peace in Europe, instead creating conditions that would fuel future conflicts.

Article 2: "The Treaty of Versailles: A Necessary Evil" by Jane Smith
This article takes a different perspective on the Treaty of Versailles, suggesting that while imperfect, the treaty was a necessary evil in order to prevent Germany from becoming a threat to European security again. The author argues that the treaty successfully stripped Germany of its military power and imposed reparations to weaken its economic strength, ultimately preventing the country from rebuilding its military and launching another war of conquest. The author views the treaty as a necessary measure to maintain peace and stability in Europe in the aftermath of World War I.