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(5 points)
Spanish Conquest in the Americas
1522 Survivors of the journey started by Ferdinand Magellan complete first trip around the globe
1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the Americas
1521 Hernan Cortes leads the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire
1533 Francisco Pizarro and his forces conquer the Incan empire
1492 Christopher Columbus leads Spanish voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean

1 answer

1591 Spanish forces conquer the last remaining Aztec stronghold of Tenochtitlan
1540 Spanish explorer Francisco Vazquez de Coronado begins exploration of what is now the American Southwest
1572 Spanish forces conquer the Inca capital of Vilcabamba, marking the end of Incan resistance
1609 Spanish explorer Sebastian Vizcaino explores the coast of California
1629 Spanish missionary settlements are established in California
1630 Spanish forces suppress a major indigenous rebellion in Cuzco, Peru
1640 Spanish settlers begin to establish ranches and mining operations in present-day Mexico and Central America