Highlight the vocabulary words that you struggle with and define the ones you struggle with on a separate sheet of paper.

Hypothesis Observation Prokaryotic Independent variable Inference Eukaryotic Dependent variable Scientific Theories Endosymbiotic Theory Constant Scientific Laws Homeostasis Control Group Quantitative Metabolism
Experimental Group

32 answers

Vocabulary words I struggle with:
1. Hypothesis
2. Observation
3. Prokaryotic
4. Independent variable
5. Inference
6. Eukaryotic
7. Dependent variable
8. Scientific Theories
9. Endosymbiotic Theory
10. Constant
11. Scientific Laws
12. Homeostasis
13. Control Group
14. Quantitative
15. Metabolism
16. Experimental Group
17. Qualitative

Definitions of the words:

1. Hypothesis: A proposed explanation or prediction for a phenomenon based on preliminary evidence or knowledge.

2. Observation: The act of perceiving or noticing something using one's senses.

3. Prokaryotic: Referring to organisms that lack a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles in their cells, such as bacteria.

4. Independent variable: The variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

5. Inference: A logical conclusion or interpretation based on evidence or reasoning.

6. Eukaryotic: Referring to organisms whose cells contain a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, such as plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

7. Dependent variable: The variable that is being observed or measured in an experiment and is expected to change as a result of the independent variable.

8. Scientific Theories: Well-substantiated explanations of some aspect of the natural world that are based on empirical evidence and have been repeatedly tested and confirmed.

9. Endosymbiotic Theory: A theory that proposes that some organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, were once independent prokaryotic organisms engulfed by larger cells and eventually became symbiotic partners.

10. Constant: A factor or variable that remains unchanged or consistent throughout an experiment to ensure that the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be isolated.

11. Scientific Laws: Statements or principles that describe or predict a natural phenomenon and has been scientifically proven and universally accepted.

12. Homeostasis: The ability of an organism or system to maintain internal stability and balance in response to changing external conditions.

13. Control Group: The group in an experiment that does not receive the experimental treatment and serves as a baseline for comparison.

14. Quantitative: Relating to or involving the measurement of quantities or amount, typically using numbers.

15. Metabolism: The chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life, such as the conversion of food into energy and the synthesis of biomolecules.

16. Experimental Group: The group in an experiment that receives the experimental treatment or manipulation being tested.

17. Qualitative: Relating to or involving qualities or characteristics rather than quantities, often involving subjective judgments or descriptions.
the action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information.

Reword this sentence
The act or procedure of carefully observing something or someone to acquire information.
Referring to organisms that lack a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles in their cells, such as bacteria.

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Describing organisms, like bacteria, that do not have a clearly defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles within their cells.
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It's a term used to describe organisms like bacteria that don't have a nucleus and don't have membrane-bound cells.
The term used to characterize organisms, such as bacteria, that lack a nucleus and lack cells with membrane-bound organelles.
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A variable that you deliberately modify or control in your test to see what effect it has on the dependent variable.

The variable you deliberately change or manipulate to see what effect it has on the dependent variable in your experiment.

The variable that is deliberately altered or manipulated in the experiment to determine the effect on the dependent variable.
The independent variable, which is intentionally modified or controlled, is tested to observe its impact on the dependent variable.

In your experiment, you purposefully change or manipulate the independent variable to examine its influence on the dependent variable.

The experiment involves deliberately altering or manipulating the independent variable to assess its effect on the dependent variable.
The variable that is being observed or measured in an experiment and is expected to change as a result of the independent variable.

Reword this sentence into 12th grader
The variable that is watched or measured in an experiment, and it's predicted to change due to the independent variable.
Well-substantiated explanations of some aspect of the natural world that are based on empirical evidence and have been repeatedly tested and confirmed.

Reword this sentence into 12th grader
Scientific theories are well-supported explanations about parts of the natural world. They rely on evidence from real-life observations and have been thoroughly tested and verified.
A theory that proposes that some organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, were once independent prokaryotic organisms engulfed by larger cells and eventually became symbiotic partners.

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This theory suggests that certain organelles, like mitochondria and chloroplasts, were originally separate prokaryotic organisms that got engulfed by larger cells and eventually formed a symbiotic relationship.
This theory suggests that certain organelles, like mitochondria and chloroplasts, were originally separate prokaryotic organisms that got engulfed by larger cells and eventually formed a symbiotic relationship.

Reword this sentence
According to this theory, organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts were initially independent prokaryotic organisms that were engulfed by larger cells and eventually established a symbiotic partnership.
This theory states that organelles like mitochondria or chloroplasts were originally self-supporting prokaryotic cells that were swallowed up by larger cells and formed a symbiotic relationship.

Make this sentence into 1st grader
This idea says that little parts inside cells called mitochondria or chloroplasts used to be their own cells, like little bugs. They were eaten by bigger cells and became friends to help each other.
A factor or variable that remains unchanged or consistent throughout an experiment to ensure that the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be isolated.

Make this sentence into 12th grader
A constant is a factor or variable that remains consistent and unchanged during an experiment to ensure that the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be accurately isolated and measured.
Reword this sentence into 3 years and a fourth

An organism or system's ability to keep its internal balance and stability in response to changes in the environment.
When the environment changes, an organism or system can still keep everything inside itself balanced and stable.
Reword this sentence into 12th grader
Homeostasis refers to the capacity of an organism or a system to maintain internal balance and stability in response to alterations in the surrounding environment.
The group in an experiment that does not receive the experimental treatment and serves as a baseline for comparison.
The control group in an experiment acts as a baseline for comparison as it does not receive the experimental treatment.
The chemical reactions that go on inside a living thing to keep it alive, like turning food into energy and making biomolecules.

Reword this sentence into 4th grader
Metabolism is what happens inside a living thing to keep it alive. It's like the body turning food into energy and making special building blocks called biomolecules.
The chemical reactions that go on inside a living thing to keep it alive, like turning food into energy and making biomolecules.
Metabolism is when the body does special chemistry to stay alive. It's like a factory inside us that turns our food into energy and makes important materials called biomolecules.
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