
7 answers

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Written Response: Choose one item and write a paragraph in response. Compose complete sentences that illustrate proper grammar and spelling. Identify the letter of the item you're responding to. Your teacher will grade your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.
a. One can identify the “Five Themes of Geography” as “Location,” “Place,” “Interactions,” “Movement,” and “Regions.”

What conclusions can you draw about how the environment affects people and how people affect the environment? Use examples from Kansas geography and history to support your conclusions.

b. The quotation below is from a letter written in 1879 by Kansas Governor John P. St. John.

“Any colored man who is honest and industrious and who can come with a very small capital to sustain him for a short time until he can get a start can do well . . . . The life and property of the colored man is just as safe here as is the life and property of a white man. The advantages for educating his children are equal to those extended to white children.”

Based on the quotation, and your knowledge of Kansas history, write a paragraph to persuade African American families to leave the South and move to Kansas.

c. The flowchart below shows changes in farming practices in Kansas after the Dust Bowl.

Farming Practices

· Straight-row planting

· Sodbusting right arrow

· Single-crop planting

The Dust Bowl

right arrow

· Aquifer irrigation

· Stubble mulching

· Crop rotation

Explain the cause-and-effect relationship illustrated by this chart.

d. The quotations below are from two Supreme Court Rulings: Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas.

“If the civil and political rights of both races be equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically.” —Justice Henry Brown

“Segregation . . . denies to Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment—even though the physical facilities and other "tangible" factors of white and Negro schools may be equal.” —Chief Justice Earl Warren

Compare and contrast the two rulings.

e. The quotation below is from the Kansas Bill of Rights.

“All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and are instituted for their equal protection and benefit. No special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted by the legislature, which may not be altered, revoked or repealed by the same body; and this power shall be exercised by no other tribunal or agency.”

Based on your knowledge of Kansas history and government, write three interview questions you might ask the writers of the Kansas Bill of Rights. For each question, write why you have included it.
a. The “Five Themes of Geography” are a useful framework for understanding how the environment and people interact with each other. One conclusion that can be drawn is that the environment affects people’s daily lives in various ways such as shaping their occupations and determining where they build their homes. For example, in Kansas, the environment influenced the early settlers to engage in agriculture which is the state's primary economic activity because the state's fertile ground and the favorable weather conditions make farming productive. Additionally, people also affect the environment as they transform the land to fit their needs. Human activities like industrialization, construction, and agriculture can lead to soil depletion, deforestation and other forms of environmental degradation. The dust bowl, a significant environmental disaster that affected the Great Plains farming communities was caused by extensive cultivation and soil erosion. Therefore, it's crucial for people to strike a balance that maintains the environment and ensures that it sustains the future needs of generations to come.

b. The letter from Kansas Governor John P. St. John presents an opportunity for African American families to move to Kansas. The Governor's statement relates to the Kansas people's high esteem for returning African American soldiers who fought for the Union during the Civil War. In addition, the state's environment and its prime location provide excellent opportunities for former slaves to establish themselves. Since Kansas is part of the Great Plains, the state's expansive land and favorable weather conditions make it an excellent place for agriculture. Additionally, the state has excellent schools that emphasize equal opportunities for all children regardless of skin color. This vision of equality and opportunity is the foundation of the state's Bill of Rights. Therefore, African American families should consider moving to Kansas as they will find a welcoming community with equal opportunities and a friendly environment.

c. The flowchart shows how the farming practices in Kansas have evolved over time in response to the dust bowl crisis. Straight-row planting and single-crop planting practices made the land vulnerable to soil erosion and hence caused the Dust Bowl disaster. As a result, farmers had to find ways to restore soil fertility, leading to the development of soil conservation methods such as stubble mulching, crop rotation, and aquifer irrigation. The adoption of these new farming practices resulted in the recovery of the land from the Dust Bowl. Therefore, the chart highlights the relationship between poor farming practices and environmental degradation, leading to the need for soil conservation.

d. The two Supreme Court rulings, Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas, have significant differences. Justice Henry Brown, in the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling, argued that the civil and political rights of both races must be equal. However, he wrongly upheld the principle of "Separate but equal." The Brown v. Board of Education ruling challenged this separate but equal principle, as Chief Justice Earl Warren argued that segregation deprived African American children of their Fourteenth Amendment rights. In effect, while both rulings endorsed equality, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling marked a significant step towards implementing it. Hence, while Plessy v. Ferguson furthered segregation and allowed for legal discrimination, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling eliminated it and laid the groundwork for future civil rights expansion in the United States.

e. The Kansas Bill of Rights is a crucial document that asserts the people's power and outlines their fundamental rights. To better understand how the document came about, an interview with its writers would be enlightening. The first question would be, "What motivated you to write the Kansas Bill of Rights?" This question would provide insight into the writers' intentions and the factors that led them to pen the document. The second question would be, "Which individual or group did you have in mind when writing the statement 'and are instituted for their equal protection and benefit?' " This question would help clarify whether the statement referred to specific groups or the general public. Finally, the third question would be, "What challenges did you face while writing the Bill of Rights, and how did you overcome them?" This question would provide insight into the context and environment in which the Bill of Rights was developed.
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Certainly! Here are the personalized answers for each of the items:

a. The "Five Themes of Geography" provide an excellent framework for understanding how people and their environment interact. My conclusion is that the environment affects people's daily lives by shaping their behavior and determining where they live and work. For example, in Kansas, the environment has influenced the people to pursue agriculture because of its fertile land and favorable climate. Additionally, people affect the environment through their activities, such as construction, industrialization, and farming. These activities can lead to soil depletion, deforestation, and other forms of environmental degradation. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance and find ways to maintain the environment to meet the needs of future generations.

b. The letter from Kansas Governor John P. St. John in 1879 presents an opportunity for African American families to relocate to Kansas. Based on my knowledge of Kansas history, I would persuade African American families to move to Kansas because of the state's favorable environment and prime location. As part of the Great Plains, Kansas has expansive land and favorable weather conditions that make it an excellent place for agriculture. Additionally, the state has excellent schools that prioritize equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their skin color. This equality and opportunity form the foundation of the state's Bill of Rights. Therefore, Kansas would be an ideal location to establish a new home for African American families.

c. The flowchart illustrates how farming practices in Kansas have evolved over time. The cause-and-effect relationship is demonstrated by how poor farming practices such as straight-row planting and single-crop planting resulted in the Dust Bowl disaster. This, in turn, led farmers to find ways to restore soil fertility, which resulted in the development of soil conservation methods such as stubble mulching, crop rotation, and aquifer irrigation. Therefore, the flowchart highlights the relationship between poor farming practices and environmental degradation, leading to the need for soil conservation.

d. The Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas Supreme Court rulings have significant differences. While both rulings endorsed equality, the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling upheld the principle of "Separate but equal," which led to segregation and legal discrimination, while indicating that the civil and political rights of all races must be equal. The Brown v. Board of Education ruling challenged the principle of "Separate but equal," as Chief Justice Earl Warren argued that segregation deprived African American children of their Fourteenth Amendment rights. Thus, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling eliminated segregation and laid the groundwork for future civil rights expansion in the United States.

e. The Kansas Bill of Rights outlines fundamental rights based on their authority that all free governments serve. To better understand the document's motivations and context, I would ask the writers of the Kansas Bill of Rights several questions. For example, I would ask, "What is the overarching message of the Bill of Rights, and what inspired you to write it?" This question would give insight into the writers' intentions and what motivated them to write this document. I would then follow-up with questions like, "Which specific rights were a priority to include, and why?" and "How did you ensure that the Bill of Rights would be fair and just for all individuals living in Kansas?" These questions would enable me to understand how the writers crafted the Kansas Bill of Rights.