Hi there,
In a turbulent motion the length scale (l) and the time scale (t) of the smallest eddy motions vary according to:
length scale: l/L = Re^(-0.75)
time scale t/(L/U) = Re^(-0.5)
(actually there should b that symbol for proportionality rather than the equal sign in the above two expressions...dont know how to use that symbol here!)
where the Reynold's no Re=(L*speed/kinematic viscosity)
Question: How do the a) number of grid nodes and b) the number of time steps required to compute the properties of a turbulent flow depend on the Reynold's number?
I tried substituing 1000 for the Re number in the above two expressions for length and time scales but am not sure wat to do after tht. I guess if someone knowldegable cud explain how the node or time scales are worked out n used for computation ill better understand the question n hopefully then work the answer out. I just think I don't know much abt how the nodes n time step things work.