Hi there, I am stuck on some Grammar questions, and need some help.
1. When are you having Jamie's surprise party?
A. "When are you" is the complete subject.
B. "You having Jamie's surprise party" is the complete subject.
C."Jamie's surprise party" is the complete subject.
D. "You" is the complete subject.
**I think it is either C or D.
2. Jennifer and her brother were not allowed to go to Great Adventure with the Jones family.
A. Sentence structure is correct.
B. Sentence contains a simple subject and compound predicate.
C. Sentence contains a compound subject and simple predicate.
D. Sentence contains a compound subject and compound predicate.
**I believe the answer is D.
3. The rain poured into the river and flooded the nearby community.
A. This is a simple sentence.
B. This is a compound sentence.
C. This a complex sentence.
D. This is a compound-complex sentence.
**My answer is A.
4. The rain fell, and the river flooded.
A. This is a simple sentence.
B. This is a compound sentence.
C. This a complex sentence.
D. This is a compound-complex sentence.
**My answer is B.
5. After the rain fell, the river flooded the community.
A. This is a simple sentence.
B. This is a compound sentence.
C. This a complex sentence.
D. This is a compound-complex sentence.
**My answer is C.
6. After the rain fell, the river flooded the community, and many residents had to move to higher ground.
A. This is a simple sentence.
B. This is a compound sentence.
C. This a complex sentence.
D. This is a compound-complex sentence.
**My answer is D.
7. After the Christmas holiday and during the first few weeks of January.
A. Sentence structure is correct.
B. Fragement-put a comma after January and finish the sentence.
C. Run-on-put a comma after holiday
D. None of the above apply.
**I think its either B or D. Not sure if it is B, because there would need to be a comma after holiday also...not just January.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
6 answers
8. After the fourth of July holiday and during the first few weeks of July
A. Sentence structure is correct.
B. Fragement-put a comma after the second July and find the sentence.
C. Run-on-put a comma after holiday
D. None of the above apply.
**I think it's B or D. But then again, if the choice is B, it would need another comma after holiday, not just the second July.
2. No.
3. No.
4. No.
5. Yes.
6. Yes.
7. B is right.
8. B is right.
1. "Jamie's surprise party" is the complete subject
2. C
3. B
4. A
Thank you for your response!:)
1. "Jamie's surprise party" is the complete subject
No. The verb is "are having." Who is having?
2. C Yes.
3. B Sorry, I goofed the first time. The answer is A.
4. A Sorry, I goofed the first time. The answer is B.